Donna Ward books from jumbo CDN history pack…

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  • cedargirl

    Has anyone used the books from this pack as their canadian history read alouds? Are they twaddle?

    Was thinking if they were good, I could use them to read aloud from. I did match some of the titles from the links Song of Joy posted earlier. Which is a good sign I think. I can’t say I would actually use the Courage & Conquest book itself except to use the table of contents for a reading order list.


    Are you referring to this package?

    In the package I think only the novels would make good read alouds.  The book Gold Rush (and others by Barbara Greenwood) are also pretty good and could also be used as a read aloud.  My daughter has read most of Barabara Greenwood’s books without any prompting from me.

    We have really enjoyed all the novels that Donna Ward recommends and I try to buy some novels from her at my local convention.  I would not consider the novels twaddle at all.

    I also have the first two DVDs from the Canada: A People’s History series.  They aren’t necessarily exciting, but they are informative.

     I have looked at the “Kid’s Book of Canada books” and they would not be good for a read aloud.  If you wanted to research something they would be fine, but they generally contain snippets of facts that aren’t great for reading aloud.

    I have also taken out a few books from the “Discovering Canada” series out of the library and I didn’t care for them… but others do like them so if you can find one in your local library you could check it out before you choose to take my advice.

    To be perfectly honest I think you’d be better off saving your money on the package and just buying some Canadian historical novels for the time period you are studying.  In addition to the ones Donna Ward recommends here is a link to blog that also has some recommendations for Canadian living books.



    Thank you Suzisue! you just saved me a lot of mullah and I appreciate it!

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