Doing your own history in elementary

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  • mama_nickles

    Next year my kids will be in 3rd and kindy, with 3 year old and newborn. This year we loosely followed TQ AHFYS1, but the commentary wasn’t really working for me. I have the book, “All Through the Ages,” and am thinking of doing my own history plan for next year. Does anyone else do this? I want to still follow the timing of AHFYS2 since I may go back to TQ later, so we are planning to do 1800-1865. I have picked out for each term a history, biography and historical fiction book to read aloud. The kids all respond well to chapter books, so I am planning to try to read each one twice a week to savor them. This spring we have read Amos Fortune Free Man and recently started Johnny Tremain and they seem to be enjoying it. Anyone with thoughts?


    I would add in a picture book or two for each term…even my “big kids” get excited when I pull out a picture book!


    Picture books are great.  You could also just read the commentary from TQ yourself and tell it back to your children in your own words (narrate?  😉 ) just to set the topic up for them and use the TQ book suggestions.  I so that often when I want to set the stage but don’t want to simply read the commentary as is.

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