At what age do you think it is appropriate to expect dishes (using dishwasher) to be done on their own. My soon to be seven year old currently can unload the dishwasher and put up most of the dishes on his own. At what point do you think he could load it/clean countertops/clean up by himself after our dinners.
Definitely a 7yo, except for maybe heavy and hard to clean pans. My 2, 4, and 5 year old can empty the dishwasher and anyone 4 and up can load it at my house (oldest is 12, also have 7, 8, 1). We moved all dishes to cabinets below counters years ago and use plastic for now.
My 2 and 4 are expected to scrape their plates into the trash and put their dirty dishes in the dish washer. Then when I’m loading it up to run it I have them search the house for other cups and things. We use glass and I have decided that them breaking a really cheap ikea plate or cup is worth the life long skills they will be learning. I still unload but my 4 year old does help put things away and the 2 year old hands me the silverware (after I take knives out) so that he can help too.
My kids ages 7 & 8 can do it just fine. We scrape food into chicken bucket and they rinse dishes right away and load into washer. I handle washing and loading the large cookware right after dinner. They are responsible for rinsing and loading the empty tuppaware container from leftovers when empty. They unload the washer better though because they are still learning how to load and where things need to go etc…. My two also are in charge of taking dirty clothes to the laundry & sorting the clothes into piles. They can start loads for the whites, but I do the others. They fold and put away & I hang everything unless I see one of them not doing their part, then they get to hang both sets of kids clothes. The new skills they are starting this summer is dog bathing!! Wowsers this is a fiasco, but they are learning about taking care of something else and what a pain it is to have to clean up it’s messes too. LOL When they start complaining, I just laugh and say sounds like when I became a parent. I get the dual scream, “MOOOOOM!!” They know I love them though.. Hee Hee
We load/unload ours together. I try to just put away what goes up high or sharp knives. My DC (that put dishes away) are 10, 8, and 6. I wash pots, pans, large utensils, etc. by hand while they are putting away plates, cups, and silverware. I usually wipe off the countertop and they get the table…I’m hoping to get them doing more of the kitchen clean-up over the next few months, not to mention teaching them a few simple meals to make.
My 7 & 9yos are responsible for clearing their own places at the table and loading their dishes into the dishwasher. After supper, we clean up as a family and take turns washing dishes. Both kids can unload the dishwasher by themselves. If they “forget” to clear their dishes from the table or just drop their dishes into the sink and leave them, they have to pay me a quarter for washing their dishes for them. Usually I ask, “So are you going to pay me to wash your plate?” And they quickly decide to wash and keep their money. 😉
We are still working on loading a bunch of dishes at once because neither of them has figured out the spatial reasoning part of loading to max capacity and not wasting space. But we’re getting there!