Does anyone know the titles of

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    The Scarlet Pimpernel Books and what order to read them in?  We read the first one before Christmas and my ds loved it, he and I want to read the rest of them.  Thanks


    Just found this on amazon, hope it helps:

    The Scarlet Pimpernel (1905)

    I Will Repay (1906)

    The Elusive Pimpernel (1908)

    El dorado (1913)

    The Laughing Cavalier (1913)

    Lord Tony’s Wife (1917)

    The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel (1919)

    What reading level would you say they are for? My 6th grader might love to read these as we study the French Revolution later this year. Are they pretty ‘clean’?


    There are quite a few in the series.  Here is a website that lists them in order of their events (not necessarily the order of dates to make the reading easier to follow.)  

    We are big fans of the movie with Anthony Andrews, Jane Seymour, and Ian McKeller.  



    Sheraz–Thank you!!


    Serving withJoy–I believe the reading level is 6th grade and up.

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