I have decided to have my son tested here at home with me giving the test since this is our first year of homeschooling and I want to see where he stands, etc compared to the average public schooler. Not that im trying to keep up with the public schoo, I just think it will help me feel more confidentand to show me where we need to work on things, etc. I ordered a test through bayside school services because I have many homeschooling friends who use it. We went with the more updated CTBS TerraNova test. Im here in South Carolina and was just wandering if anyone else used this test and how they liked it, etc! I got the manual that goes with it and im excited to see alot of what we coverd this year is in there but some things we obviously did not cover. Is there other test that are more charlotte Mason friendly? Im thinking most of the social studies stuff and history stuff he will not know much of because we are doing module 1 with world history, ancient history instead of what most first graders learn, ETC!