Does anyone do the SCM curriculum guide as is?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM Does anyone do the SCM curriculum guide as is?

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  • jennifer

    I’m just wondering because it would be so much easier to do it “as is” and not have to curriculum shop. I have a 6th grader will be homeschooling after the winter break.




    Last year was our first year using CM methods and the SCM Curriculum Guide. Since my kids (10, 11 & 12 at the time) were just coming off a couple of years of online “public school at home” curriculum, I used the SCM guide pretty much as is, just taking out a few books here and there, and substituting one or two that our library didn’t have. We started history with module 5 (Early Modern Times) because we all pretty much enjoy studying the American colonies and Revolutionary War period.

    Things went pretty well last year, but during the summer I took a good look at what we would be doing for this year (using module 6), and I have tweaked things a little based on research and recommendations of people on this forum and other CM’ers. We’re still using a lot of what’s listed on the SCM Curriculum Guide with a few additions/deletions. It’s very practical for me, and it works for the kids.


    This is our first year HS our 10YO, and I am doing Module 5 for History pretty much as-is, substituting books as I need to if our library doesn’t have a particular book on the list. We combine History, among other subjects, with the 10YO and our 6YO. I’ve really been happy with it so far.

    We are also using the literature books recommended on SCM as a guide. DH does one of the read-alouds at night before bed. He and the kids have got hooked on The Wizard of Oz series, though, so lots of the other books have been pushed aside for now. 😉


    Just responded to your other post, so hi again!  We use the SCM guide pretty much as is for all subjects.  We are on Mod 3 and have done the first two as well.  This year I am substituting more readings for geography and adding to that b/c it is a favorite subject for us.  We used 106 Days for science two years ago and this past semester did Outdoor Secrets.  We do science daily b/c it is my kids favorite (not mine!).  Other than those I have been making my own science based on nature study, this semester using The Storybook of Science.  I have loved every resource we have purchased here and anything I add I have usually found through the wonderful women on this forum.  We use the rest of the curriculum guide here pretty much as is, but that is just what we like and what works for us at this time.  If we ever needed to change, I would probably cry, but that is what we would do!


    Yes, we’ve been following the guide for a few years now! Smile We do use Math U See (I don’t understand why we’d start with one math curriculum then switch? I’ve always loved the looks of MUS), and we use Power Glide Spanish. Otherwise we follow the guide to a T. We are in our 2nd year of 106 Days of Creation and I do add extra books in so we can focus on the topic longer. I’m very happy with the guide and plan to stick with it! I do love to read other suggestions on this forum!




    Forgot math, we use Singapore so far. instead of Right Start or Math-U-See which is suggested here.  From your other post I don’t know that it sounds like it would be a good fit.  Oh, and my other daughter I was commenting on in the other post is not homeschooled so nothing I said here applies to herSmile.


    We follow almost to a T as well.  We add in/substitute as needed……Oh, bother, I’m just going to “ditto” what lgeurink said.

    I have found this site, discussion forum included, to be the most help I have ever received for homeschooling and the like.


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