Does anyone combine the Ancients and make a 4 year rotation? OR other CM sources???

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Does anyone combine the Ancients and make a 4 year rotation? OR other CM sources???

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  • joyfulfarmgirl

    Evergreen~ That does sound like a nice company policy with a heart for the orphans. I will take a much closer look. And blessings to you for blessing your family with waiting children.:-)

    Sheraz~ Thank you for outlining this plan. I am so NOT used to thinking in terms of h.s. credit. Now that our dd will be starting 9th in the fall I need to start planning this way. If the next four years go by anything like the first fourteen did, well I better buckle my seat belt.


    Sonya, I am getting very confused about how to use the modules thru highschool.  I have been reading that alot of people say to combine mod. 1-3 for 9th and then for 10th mod 4 + state study then mod 5 + something and then mod 6 + something else in 12th.  And that each of those senario’s equals 1 highschool credit.  Is that because each mod. is only a portion of history?  I am curious to know what exactly you do with your own children?  I will have 2 8th graders next year along with a 5th, and 2, 3rd’s.  I was thinking of starting the cycle at mod.1 next year, but am now very confused.

    Why wouldn’t each module count as 1 credit for history for any given year?  Sooooo confused over here.


    I have only seen module 5 but it appears that it will count for 1/2 credit American and 1/2 credit World. So, yes, a total of 1 history credit.


    @ makdonnelly – IMO, I think that it has to do with Bible not counting as a history credit for a HS transcript, although the Bible in it would count as a Bible credit.  Since the first three Mods are careful to line up Ancient Cultures with the Bible history, a lot more time is spent in the Bible then in the actual Ancient Culture.  (Bible is 3x week, history 1x week, and geography 1x week).  

    If you are following the guides for HS and want to cover them all, I have seen Sonya suggest:

    9th – that you either combine the in History portions of the first three into one year for an Ancient History credit or use the Beatiful Feet guide which already has them combined. 

    10th – Mod.4 – 1 World History credit

    11th – Mod. 5 – 1/2 World History credit and 1/2 American History credit

    12th – Mod. 6 – 1/2 World History credit and 1/2 American History credit 

    Many people add in a government/civics class in the 11 or 12 year.

    Here is another thread that Sonya replied in:

    If you don’t need tons of Ancient History for a credit, you could easily do 9th – Mod 4, 10th – Mod 5, 11th – Mod 6 and 12th – government/civics. 

    HOWEVER, I think that it will depend on how many American History credits vs. World History credits you end up needing for college admission.  You might check the college admission requirements for the places that you will be interested in.  That way you will know more clearly what you are trying to accomplish in your credits.  I think that Bookworm mentioned the HSLDA web page has information along those lines.  I hope this is clearer than mud.  lol


    My girls have gotten their goverment credit through TeenPact so that frees up a space for state history.

    How do you go about incorporating 3 different modules into 1 year as in the wxample of doing mods. 1-3 in 9th grade?


    I haven’t actually done this, but I cannot see why this wouldn’t work.  There are 180 days in a typical school year, so if you are combining 3 years of lessons into one year, that would give you 60 days (3 terms) to cover each module.

    It is really simple.  =)  The lessons are labeled Bible, Geography, and History.  Just pick out those history and geography lessons, get the books you need, and decide if it is enough for your child.  You can add a research paper or extra readings, or whatever IF you feel that you need to or just want to.  There are so many living books that I always want to read and we just never have time. lol  This is where I would plan to put some of those wanted books.

    Bible could be done in several ways.  SCM offers several Bible studies for HS students.  They can do that, they can do a simple read one chapter a day, you can find a devotional book, whatever.  

    Another way to do is to speed up the Module pace and include the Bible – but you would have to do at least 3 lessons per day to combine all 3 modules without losing any time any where.  

    Have you actually downloaded the free Module samples and really looked at them?  I think that this would make more sense if you did.  Here is the link:  Looking at the How to Use, Resources Needed and most importantly, the Term 1 lay out and plan.  That is all there is in the free sample, but each term in each module is laid out like that.  Very easy to read and use.


    We will probably do Beautiful Feet’s Ancient guide for 9th grade to start the four year cycle again in high school, then move on to module 4. Not sure what I will do with my youngers yet for that year as far as a spine.


    I was the original poster and realized I was not subscribed to this thread, so here goes. Lots of food for thought here. I have been looking at BF Ancients too.


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