Do you wake your kids in the morning?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Do you wake your kids in the morning?

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  • Tristan

    Lindsey – that is interesting. How would it work though if you had a child who slept in until 9am or later daily while the other woke on their own at 6am? Honest question here!That is my family when left to wake on their own. Six of the 7 children wake between 6 and 7am, while the other does not wake until after 9am unless an alarm is set. (The one preferring to be a late sleeper is my oldest). I cannot see making my children wait 2-3 hours for late sleepers to wake before eating breakfast after a night long fast. Especially younger ones? What would you do if that was the situation? I’m just curious. I know with you waking later it probably doesn’t feel like a big deal to wait an hour until 9am, but for those of us who wake hours before that it’s different. It would be like you waking at 8am and not being able to eat breakfast until 11am (3 hours later). And when you are dealing with little tummies and not an adult? I just can’t see how that would work. Enlighten me if you’ve got any ideas!!


    Lately my children wake me up – sometimes quite loudly. Do mommies ever get to have a regular sleep schedule? 🙂


    Tristan, gosh, I don’t know what I would do! That’s never been a real situation in our house. Our kids usually wake up within 30-40 minutes of each other because they are close in age and go to bed at the exact same time. I assume their bodies have always been pretty sync-ed because this has always been the case. With you having 7 kiddos, I can see your need to have a set wake time for everyone. On Saturday mornings, dd frequently sleeps until 9:00 or later and if ds wakes up and wants to eat, he knows he has permission to eat a banana as a snack until she’s ready for breakfast or he can cook his own breakfast if he wants to. But, we also don’t require that Saturdays be as structured as the other days when we’re doing school and chores and all that. For normal weekdays, they wake up when they wake up. I’ve never encountered one waking up at 6:00 and the other one not until 9:00. We’ve been blessed, I guess! Wink


    I thought I would chime in. My girlfriend always put her children to sleep at 7pm. I always thought that was early but it was so quiet and nice around her house at night.  I also try to let my kids wake up at their normal sleep cycle but I do have a child who will lay their till 10:00 or later if I let him. If the others are up then I wake him up by 8:30 we are all up unless we had the occasional outing. In the summer we don’t hold to it nearly as strick because it is usually 10;30 pm before the sun is down here.  I also put them to bed at 8-8:30.  If they are having a hard time sleeping then I could see the time delay but mine does this regularly so I think he should go to bed earlier and I have told him so.  He doesn’t want to so he has to get up when I say. 🙂  So, to answer your question I would just put them to bed earlier. It is worth the time in the morning with dad.  🙂

       Have a blessed morning!!!


    Oh I almost forgot.  My other son is up probably at least 1 to 2 hours before my other kids. He has to be quiet and he usually keeps himself busy. He isn’t a morning breakfast person so it isn’t that much of a big deal to him.  However, my daughter whom wakes up probably 45 min. after him is starving when she gets up.  She does her chores while I make her oatmeal everymorning.  Then, while the boys are out doing their chores and feeding the animals I get thier breakfast. They eat and then we start our day with devotions and hit the chores on Mon and Thurs. and then school after chores. On Tues. and Wed. we do School first and wrap up whatever we didn’t get to do.    Hope that helps…….. 



    I’m really interested to see how people do it with teenagers.  My two are 12 and 13.  They go into bed at 10 and lights out at 10:30.  Most mornings, I do have to wake them up, because if I didn’t, they’d sleep *a lot* and we’d never get anything accomplished. 


    Meagan, with teenagers…yes, I’ve found that I needed to set a wake up time, or else they’d sleep the morning away Wink. With youngers, I always let their natural alarm clocks go off because they would rarely sleep in. So for us, due to wide range of ages- olders MUST set alarm clock, youngers don’t need to be woken. We all end up starting our day about the same time.


    as it stands in my house right now….. nobody but DH uses an alarm clock.  My youngest 2, ages 9 and 10 are usually up before me….I am up 8 or 8:30 but also tend to go to bed late.  My 14yo would sleep til at least 9 if I let him.  I have never had a problem with this except it makes for a very late start to schooling for him.  

    Even though this is the way it is in my house…I am torn about it in regards to my high schooler….. at some point he needs to learn responsbility for getting up at a certain time of day for college, job etc….  we cannot always sleep in…even if we do need it.Laughing



    Great responses! I think I will try putting them to bed a little earlier. I really enjoyed reading everything you all had to say.

    Misty, I like the bedtimes you have set for your children. I’m going to try that.

    LindseyD, your post about not wishing your husband was more like someone else’s was sweet and something I needed to hear as well.

    So far we have made it two mornings 🙂 He is reading through the Character Sketches book, and the girls really like the stories. I actually didn’t have to wake them until close to 7:00. And it was only the oldest two. But this morning they all woke up anyway! 🙂

    I have to admit that I miss my quiet morning alone time; I guess I just need to work on waking up a little earlier myself.

    The idea about cleaning up dinner together as a family is a great one! It would be done so much more quickly, and it wouldn’t leave me ready for bed by the time I was done.

    Thanks for all your input! There was so much more I wanted to say, but I can’t remember all of who said what 🙂

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