… rather than do a set mod or curriculum this year for history and geography, we just read a bunch of historical lit and explored history and geography through that as it interests us? Kind of a world history over-view year through lit? I really can’t seem to make up my mind, and I don’t want to buy a bunch of resources because Science and math are already taking up most of my budget now that the older is moving on to grade 7. I really need to get him confident in his written narrations, so my focus is on Math, Language Arts and Science along with our Bible and Character Building studies for this coming year. I am even having second thoughts about moving him into Apologia’s General Science unless a significant portion can be done orally. He needs to work independently from his brother as much as possible from here on out. It might be a little harder on me this way in terms of preparing/planning, but I think that giving them each their own course of study would solve a number of conflicts that currently arise.
I don’t know. I may yet decide to go with the SCM Mod 2 revisions. We started Mod 2 this past year but only completed the first half of term one. I was also looking at Diana Warring Presents Ancient History and the Bible because it was given to me, but I was considering it for next year or the year after when my youngest would then be old enough for it as well.
One last option is to do a year on Canadian History/Geography. I have The Story of Canada, and a few other resources already. I would need to get the rest from the library or second hand sales. It’s hard to find a good CM style Canadian curriculum. Also, I am not very good at putting my own thing together, or creating my own lesson plans. To read a chapter in a book is one thing, moving out from there, like coordinating books/resources, etc. is much more difficult for me.
If it’s horrible, then we’ll have a horrible year using literature to study Texas history. ;0) I think it’s always a fine idea to study what your famy needs to study. That’s why we Homeschool.
It’s a wonderful idea! Using living books to learn is always more interesting! Add some maps and a timeline and you are ready to go! Have a wonderful year!
A few years ago, we did a “world cultures” year that sounds like what you’re talking about. It was our favorite year and they remember more from that than they have through different years of studying specific history eras for the year. And I love to write on a map when things happened and to whom, so I’ll second the map in addition to timeline.
@art did you use the CMHelp world cultures year? It looks very well organized. I believe it’s a tweaked version of AO, is it not? If I decide to have our two youngest pursue their own individualized courses of study next year, this may be an option for our youngest. It could possibly work for us as a family, too. I better stop thinking about it right now! We have this year to get through first. I’m thinking we’ll start August 12th.
No, I’ve never heard of CMHelp. I haven’t used AO either. It was several years ago, but I think I might have looked at the Sonlight lists for world history years and just chose books I thought we’d like. I don’t keep great records since I’m not required to, so I’m not sure of all the books we read. But I know we read books set in different countries; some were biographies and some not. They all wish we’d do it again. I wish I could let go of the “need” to have world history covered from beginning to end. It hasn’t been as interesting to us. That year, we read books that weren’t significatnly historical; but they gave a great picture of cultures and how people live or lived in different parts of the world. I have one daughter that wants to live everywhere, and she especially loved it.
@art– do you have any particular books to recommend, that’s exactly the kind of thing I am looking to do. I want a year of really sparking their interests. My oldest is so down on school right now and anything that resembles learning. There are things we need to do — like math and language arts, and I know my ds really struggles with some of those things, but I want the year to be as enjoyable as possible. Thanks, ladies, for tips on where to find book lists!