Do you prefer

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  • Missy OH

    to schedule a specific time to work on your BOC or do you like to add it in as you come across them in your reading? 


    Do you prefer pictures for your BOC (such as: homeschool in the woods or drawings you do), or just writing?





    What I do is I use Homeschool in the woods, and before each “term” i print off the pictures we’ll be doing and then we’ll put them in throughout our reeding as they come up.  Or I have done the 1st part printing them all off and then at the end of the “term”, we color and put them in.  I like this as it gets us talking about what we learned earlier in the term.  So no I don’t schedule a specific time, we just do it when it comes.  I like the pictures with the words on them.  Misty


    I prefer to do it at a specific time, for right now.  I have it scheduled every Friday.  So if someone/something new comes up in our reading that we want to add we just keep note of it until Friday.  That also gives me time to work on finding the picutres.  I just search the internet for images and add the date(s) and our own description. 

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