Do you or would you continue with phonics after a child is reading?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Beginning Reading Do you or would you continue with phonics after a child is reading?

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  • Alysee123


    My dc has learned to read using Alpha-Phonics and Flyleaf Readers. She can read pretty well, I would say on grade level and I’m wondering if she should continue with something like Plaid Phonics or ETC or is reading enough? Thoughts?





    I have my kids continue ETC or whatever written phonics they’re doing even after they’re reading well. They sort of double as spelling, vocabulary and handwriting practice. When I begin formal English/grammar/spelling, usually in 3rd grade, that’s when I drop the phonics.

    Also, once my children are finished an actual reading program (like learning to read), then I also have them read out loud to me for practice.

    That’s what I do. I’m sure opinions and experience will vary. 🙂


    It depends. If they’re not having any problem decoding words, then no, I probably wouldn’t continue.

    However, my daughter taught herself to read using whole language/context clues. She’s now reading early chapter books. The problem is, now that her books/words are getting harder, she’s getting stuck because she can’t decode big words. So we are going to go back and do phonics with her (Alpha Phonics coincidentally).


    Tamara Bell

    I’m not familiar with either program you mentioned.  Charlotte Mason would not have had mothers or governesses continue with phonics after a student is reading decently.  She included basic phonics during the initial teaching but felt intensive phonics more often than not hampered reading rather than making it easier.  The English language frequently breaks the “rules” we set and teach with intensive phonics which leaves students struggling to decode and at worst, even read.  I found a brief article by Sonya concerning teaching phonics.

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