Do you include the "What Do You Remember?" questions for elementary Apologia?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Do you include the "What Do You Remember?" questions for elementary Apologia?

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  • Alicia Hart

    Maybe I am splitting hairs here, but is it really CM to ask these quesitons instead of just have your kids narrate back?

    Do you do these with your kids?


    I do them with mine. They really aren’t difficult or time consuming, especially if you’ve been narrating all along. I will often have them narrate orally but have then do a written narration based on all or part of these questions.

    Alicia Hart

    That is true that they are not really time consuming.

    What else did you do for the Apologia Books? 

    I really like them but just trying to fgure out how to make them more CMish.  I like AiG science as well but want to just stick with what we have.

    Does anyone else use Apologia’s Elementary Science books?


    We love the Apologia elementary books. I do not use the questions. I simply ask for an oral narration after a section of info. I write their narrations on the whiteboard, and they copy their words into their science notebooks and illustrate or draw a diagram.

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