Do you allow 'yelling' across the house…

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Habits Do you allow 'yelling' across the house…


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  • momto2blessings

    Just curious.  Do you allow your children (and yourself!) to yell across the house to ask someone a question, call them down for something, etc.  For ex., I really don’t like my son yelling through his closed bedroom door for me while I’m downstairs.   But if I get strict with them, then I feel I need to have the rule for myself—-otherwise I’m ‘yelling’ for them to come eat or whatever and they may ‘yell’ something back:) 

    It seems like too much work for me to physically go where they are everytime I need to tell them something, but I don’t want them ‘yelling’ for me—sometimes I’m on the corded phone and they have no idea and are yelling for me, etc.  Any ideas?

    Thanks:)  Gina


    No yelling here, and no double standards for anyone.  Our rule is to be in the same room or at least within view of whomever you are speaking with.  There are occasional exceptions.  Yelling means there is an emergency, come NOW. 

    A friend of ours installed an intercom system in their house; that works well for them. 

    We do have a few signals – lights off and on a few times means “come upstairs”, etc.  Sometimes we use two way radios.

    I always warn the kids if I am making a phone call, or going to a different level of the house, so they are aware of where I am and what I am doing, and can find me easily.

    Just my two cents.



    We developed this bad habit about 2 years ago, and are trying very hard to break it right now. I know this may sound silly, but I am VERY sensitive to noise, especially a lot of noises at once. On top of all the other noises that might be going on in our home at any one time (i.e. dishwasher running, music playing, washer spinning, games playing, fighting over a toy, etc.), the added noise of yelling creates a very annoying caucophony to me. It sends me into overload and causes me to get irritable.

    I have had to tell my children several times that if they want to talk to me, they will have to come to where they can see me instead of yelling. And I try to do the same for them. Sometimes it is physically easier to yell across the house, but I want a peaceful home. I can’t achieve an atmosphere of peace if all our voices are carrying across the house all the time.

    Tongue out,



    Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for the input.  I guess I just need to stick with it.  I started to try to implement this, but would be laying down and not want to get up to run across the house to remind them of then of the new rule—-and of course if I yell back to remind them that’s not going to work well:)  Thanks!  Gina


    When I’m in the middle of doing something that I can’t or don’t want to stop and the kids yell across, I just don’t answer them. They’ll usually come running to me after a few attempts at getting my attention by yelling at me. Then they want to know why I didn’t come or answer them. My response is always, “If you want to talk to me, you’re going to have to come in here and speak to me. Please don’t yell across the house at me.” Then they’re reminded that I’m not going to answer them until they talk to me like a person. Of course, when I slip up and yell for them, they don’t remind me of our rule. They either come running or yell back! ha!



    We’re a no-yelling house too. (I have caught myself yelling, “No yelling!” …oh the irony.)

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