Will have 7 and 9 yr old boys doing N. America for Geography in the Fall. Looking at getting Visits to N. America so I don’t have to find the maps, etc. But would it be beneficial for such young ages?
What we did this year on our own: map work for a few main countries in Europe, read selections from Material World/What the World Eats, labeling/making mini flags/country names to pin on printed color topo map of Europe (over thick cardboard) 1x wk. (last year made mini flags w/ country names on toothpicks to practice labeling our salt-dough map of S. America. Also a hit!)
Should I do this again for N. America next year OR get Visits to…?
Do I need Visits to N. America AND SCM Module 6 resources, book lists for geography? That seems like a Ton of books to read, and then some overlap like the Holling books.