Do I need Visits To… And SCM Module Guide for Geography?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Geography Do I need Visits To… And SCM Module Guide for Geography?

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  • heatherma

    Will have  7 and 9 yr old boys doing N. America for Geography in the Fall. Looking at getting Visits to N. America so I don’t have to find the maps, etc. But would it be beneficial for such young ages?

    What we did this year on our own: map work for a few main countries in Europe, read selections from Material World/What the World Eats, labeling/making mini flags/country names to pin on printed color topo map of Europe (over thick cardboard) 1x wk. (last year made mini flags w/ country names on toothpicks to practice labeling our salt-dough map of S. America. Also a hit!)

    Should I do this again for N. America next year  OR get Visits to…?

    Do I need Visits to N. America AND SCM Module 6 resources, book lists for geography?  That seems like a Ton of books to read, and then some overlap like the Holling books. 



    We are using Visits for my 1st and 3rd graders.  I have my 1st grader cut the names out and paste them onto the map while my 3rd grader usually chooses to write in the names.  We are also reading the extra books that are suggested reading for the various countries.  Having the maps handy as well as the suggested reading material is why I bought the Visits book.

    I LOVE your idea of making mini flags!  My 3rd grader had already started learning the countries before we got Visits, so now she knows them all, and I need more material for her to do.  She would love the flags!  With that said, what you did last year is just fine if you are happy with it.  Visits just lays everything out for you and has the maps handy.  They also have pages for drawing their own maps of individual countries as well as learning the rivers, deserts, seas, etc.

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