Do I have to start at the beginning?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Do I have to start at the beginning?

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  • Allison

    Hi everyone!  I am new here and while we have homeschooled for nearly a year, I feel that I am just finally finding my way and figuring out what I, and my children, desire in a curriculum.  My DC are 8, 5, and 2.  We have been using SL for the last year, and while it has been fine and we have even loved many of the read alouds, it has left us all longing for much, much more history.  We are history……nerds. 😉  While doing SL, we have been doing a bit of Middle Ages reading through our co-op, so we are slighly familiar with that time, but definitely not in-depth.


    So my question is, should I start with Genesis-Deuteronomy and Ancient Egypt, or is it *acceptable* to start with Early Modern & Epistles, which is where our heart and true love of history lies?  Will it be confusing to young children to do two years of a more modern history and cycle back to Ancients?  I know eventually we will have to cycle back at some point.


    What do you more seasoned veterans think?  I appreciate any help, thanks! 🙂


    You can start where ever you want.  🙂


    You can start wherever you like!





    Welcome to the SCM forum Allison. There is much wisdom and suppport here. You can jump into the history modules at any point. I came here from SL a few years ago and still add extra books in from their catalog, at my own pace. We seem to be stuck in the 19th century here. History is my son’s favorite subject and he studies it in his free time too. We took a break from the modules to do a study on Little House on the Prairie. Enjoy!


    Thank you all so much!  I talked with my oldest and he decided he would like to do modern history most, so that’s where we will begin. 🙂


    I know I’m tagging on to this discussion with another question, but it seems relatively applicable. I may just start a new thread too if you gals think thats best. I am schooling a 7 and 9 with 3 little ones tagging along. We started with Modern Times module and purchased the SCM books, and have been trying (since Sep) to locate the additional books through the library since the list was so extensive. As a result, we’ve had trouble getting the books at the proper time for when we need them in the module and then either reading ahead because we can’t renew due to interlibrary rules or skipping books completely. Sometimes a book comes in and then we go back, though it was previously scheduled, etc. Its been a very disjointed and somewhat frustrating experience. I’m trying to decide now if I should bite the bullet and purchase all of the books needed so I have them on hand for when they are assigned, or if I should switch to Genesis which would be “the first” of the series and maybe a better fit based on their ages. Wondering if it will be easier for the kids to grasp hold of in addition to being cheaper because the book list is shorter. Learning about Germany and Abe Lincoln simulataneously seems difficult for them to retain, especially the Stories of the Nations book for my 7yo. So really, I’m weighing out two things: cost effectiveness and effectiveness of module for their ages. Also, I’m truthfully intimidated to adapt the module a ton to make sure they have enough time grasping so many different time periods. It almost seems easier to purchase another module?? Appreciate any advice! Thanks 

    jill smith


    I am intersted also in the Little house on the Prairie study. How did you do yours? We will be taking a trip to see the sites of Laura Ingals this spring hopefully. Is there curriculum out there or how did you do it? Hope you had a good time exploring all the facts.

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