Do busy boys have to stay still for narration?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Narration Do busy boys have to stay still for narration?

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    My son just turned 6 a few months ago.  I plan to have him narrate more regularly when we start school back in August.  He is a very busy but bright boy.  The few times I’ve asked him to “tell me about what we just read,” he does a good job but moves constantly, sometimes literally rolling around on the floor.

    Is it important that I expect him to be still for his narrations or should that just get better with age? I’ve tried to have him stand still when he does he Bible memory verses, and it almost seems to make him more distracted! Any thoughts from parents with similar kids would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much.


    He may just be a kinesthetic learner.


    I have allowed my sons to bounce on a ball, draw a picture while narrating, go for a walk and narrate then, work with playdough, etc. For some reason some people have to move when they are thinking or sharing.  I talk with my hands and I’d probably freak out if someone asked me to stop! LOL

    As my dc have gotten older, some of the moving around has evolved and slowed down a bit. Now they may squeeze a tennis ball, pace around a bit or have to follow me around the house as I do chores.  I’m sure there is a time and a place for less movement but I don’t think that 6 years old is it. I wouldn’t worry too much unless it’s a distraction to other children.

    My .02


    My daughter used to do cartwheels back and forth across the room while she narrated.  My son does headstands while he recites memory verses.  As long as they are doing a quality job, I don’t worry about it.


    Okay, the cartwheels and headstands really made me laugh!

    Thank you all for sharing. This was really helpful. Glad to know I can take a relaxed approach with my wiggle worm.


    My son walks in circles on his tip-toes and does very theatrical hand gestures and sound effects. Haha!


    My kids always played with legos or small toys, drew, did handicrafts, etc. while I read aloud. My daughter is 14 and she still draws or does handicrafts while I read aloud. I always listen better when my hands are busy so it made perfect sense to me to allow my kids to keep their hands busy while I read aloud.

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