Our oldest three children have been switching over to D’Nealian manuscript and D’Nealian cursive after mastering basic print style (more like Zaner Bloser). Anyway, the younger four kids are starting copywork now and I wondered if anyone BEGINS with D’nealian manuscript (print) or does everybody teach basic printing first? I thought it is a bit harder, but it might be easier than switching over later. Thanks for sharing!
To my knowledge, we don’t use a certain style of writing. I taught manuscript letters while teaching 100 Easy Lessons, since the lessons require the child to write the sound they’re learning. We used that style of letter until this year when we’ve begun cursive. I don’t know what style of cursive I’m using either. The book I’m following is A Reason For Handwriting: Transition.
In your situation, I’d teach whatever you feel they’re ready for now and stick with that style until you’re ready to begin cursive. No reason to teach two styles of manuscript, in my opinion. If you’re going with D’Nealian cursive, perhaps it would be easier for them to learn D’Nealian manuscript.
Thanks Lindsey! We have used RFW with my oldest and enjoyed it. I may have spoken to soon as the more I look at Italic, I am liking that more and more. My favorite is DN for manuscript and GB Italic for cursive!! I know that makes zero sense to teach both styles, so I’ll talk to the kids and see what they think. I can’t believe how much time one can spend on this!
I started my kids right out with DN and the oldest (3rd gr.) just switched to cursive this year. I think she switched quite easily but she does like to draw so i think that helped her. My sister first told me about DN and said that some think it makes it easier to transition to cursive. I can’t tell you if it is easier because we never did ZB manuscript!
We started with D’Nealian, because that’s what they teached in the Christian Preschool and Kindergarten. We haven’t switched to another style yet so I can’t tell you if it makes a difference. Personally, I think it really doen’t matter what style you choose to start with, it’s more of a personal preference. When I grew up all we did is cursive writing and my handwriting is horrible, in cursive and manuscript!!
Thanks ladies! and Christine~ that is so funny. My printing is illegible, sometimes even to myself! It’s embarrassing to have to ask someone else what you wrote! 🙂 But last night I was actually trying out the copywork myself in D’Nealian and GB Italic to see which the kids might prefer. I decided to try to improve my writing along side of my kids and they are thrilled I think!
I saw someone post a while back about Presidential Penmanship and they have DN and GB Italic so I might try that as I have not seen a worksheet generator site for GB italic yet.
I have been a lurker but I want to say that DS was struggling with ZB and after we switched to DN, his writing started improvinh vastly, even in his numbers.