DIY copywork pages

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  • Lauren

    Hi there.  I am not sure if any other folks do this or not, but I thought I would throw my question out there and give it a shot.

    I like to create my own copywork pages in order to tailor the subject matter to what my daughter is interested in.

    She is 2d grade and still loves the visual. I would like to add a picture or two to the copywork pages as she likes that.  Not anything that would require too much work- like adding borders and the like- but just a simple picture or two that I could quickly slap on the page.  But I am trying to find a good resource for digital clipart images.  I would especially love the vintage clipart images that reflect the beautiful quality espoused by CM.  Does anyone know of a good resource?

    Also, any recommendations in general on DIY copywork would be very welcome as well!

    Thank you!



    A promise book like God’s Promises for Your Every Need can give you verse copy work ideas.

    Participant is free (you can’t save pages without a paid membership though).

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