discrepancy in dates in Genesis thru Deuteronomy?

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  • Peggy

    We’re on Lesson 25 in Genesis – Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt. I have a first grader & a preschooler, so we’re doing a family Book of Centuries. When I went to enter in the date for the first Pharaoh, Menes, the date was the same year as the Tower of Babel. Is that correct?

    Sonya Shafer

    We’re using the All Through the Ages timelines as our standard for those dates, Peggy. According to that timeline, it lists four events after the 2242 date:

    • The Tower of Babel dispersion, the people scattered, and the nations founded
    • Mizraim (the son of Ham, a collective name) and his descendants settle Egypt
    • Pharaoh Menes (Narmer) unified Upper and Lower Egypt
    • Menes founds the first dynasty of the Old Kingdom and the city of Memphis

    The next date on the timeline is 2188 and lists three more events:

    • Old Kingdom: the 1st through 6th dynasties
    • Pharaoh Djoser builds the step pyramid in the 3rd dynasty
    • Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu) builds the Great Pyramid

    So it looks like those dates are acting more like anchors with the events taking place somewhere in that range of years. I’ll make a note to mention that in the upcoming revision. (We’re revising it to replace the Oxford book that is now out of print.)


    Sonya- I was wondering if you have looked at James Ussher’s  “Annuals of the World” ?

      Would that be comparible to what you are seeking? 


    Sonya ~ Any ideas on when the revised Mod1 might be available? 🙂

    Sonya Shafer

    @chocodog – The All Through the Ages timelines are based on Ussher’s.

    @erin.kate – Not for a while yet. First we need to get the replacement book finished, then we can write it into the lesson plans and create a new edition of the handbook.


    Sonya, are you saying that the Oxford book will no longer be used in the future? I just purchased it and we’re just starting Mod 1. I was hoping to use it for awhile.


    Sonya Shafer

    We will be writing that book out of the lesson plans in future editions of the handbooks, but we will keep it listed as an optional resource for those who happen to have a copy. If you want to keep using it as originally outlined, go ahead and grab a copy of the current handbooks for modules 1-3 now. They have the original lesson plans that incorporate the Oxford book.


    🙂  Maybe that is why I like “All through the ages” also…   LOL…   Have that one too… Tehe he

    Thanks for all the wonderful materials and continuing to make them better!



    Thank you, Sonya. It might be nice to have a different set of spines for the second sweep through the Mods, so I won’t fret that we have the current editions with Oxford. Take care!

    Lesley Letson

    another option would be to maybe offer the old versions of the handbooks as ebooks only when the new ones come out for those who choose to use the Oxford book?? just another idea I thought I’d toss out there….


    Is the new spine one that SCM is writing/publishing?

    Sonya Shafer

    Thanks for the idea, mjemom.

    bethanna, yes, the new book for the Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt module is being written specifically for us.


    Thanks for the heads up, Sonya. I’ll be sure to get copies of mods 2 and 3 now, I like to use hard copies. Now that I’ve made the investment in the Oxford book I really like it.

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