different versions of books

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  • kscabowers

    I am new to CM and this will be my first year attempting anything but typical textbook. I am making it kinda easy on myself and have basical stuck with the book recomindations listed on the SCM curriculum link. I have a 1st grader and 3rd grader.  Looking at the Lit recomindation for the 3rd grade level, they are almost all Narnia books. Which my son recieved the whole video series for Christmas last year and LOVES it but when I check with my library on the books, they have the books listed but the illistrations are different but is it safe to assume that the text content is the same? That may be it’s an older or newer version of what is listed on CM? It has all been a bit overwhelming to see myself attempting this school structure but my experience in the last 3 years of Home Schooling is the constant seat work is not working and way to much workbook!! My kids dread school. I am anxious to see how this works and feel like it is a wonderful teaching concept. I am typicaly one that does better if it is all layed out for me, open the teachers book, it tells me what to do and I do it. Here I am being challenged to take the time to build a curriculum that works for my child and not conform them to what a classroom curriculum says that they should know and do, their way. Every child is different and I really sought the Lords guidance for this school year. I did not want to go through another year of unhappy students. Also my younger son who will be 6 has a VERY different personality and I was extreemly conserned to used our BJU curriculum I just did not feel that he was ready for all that. But he will sit and let someone read to him all day. He loves stories. So I have been looking for a teaching program that would work for him and in the process fell in love with CM teachings and have decided to use it for my older son as well. I have been sharing this web site and the different books ect… with my 3rd grader and he is excited to start. He loves to read. Thank you Sonya for this web site! And all the posts have been extremly helpful in organizing my thoughts.


    I just bought the set a month ago and wondered the same thing..But the Narnia series is the Narnia series. There are several different covers and illustrations..but from what I found they are all the original writings by CS Lewis.


    Your son will love the series..my son devoured them and is still talking about them and acting them out..even his little sister and brother think they have read the books because my son has told them so much about them. Have fun reading.


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