I would love to know what you both do for history and living books. I did bookmark your site – susukimom. I will definitely refer to it in the future.If you would be so kind to send me any other information or lists you have that would be great. Just PM me for my email.
I have used the KIDS CAN PRESS books fro Canadian history and information. They are very simple and easy to read – for mid elementary aged children though younger children would most likely understand them. Some have more information than others. I don’t know I would consider them “living” books, but I found it very hard to find living books or any appropriate chronological elementary aged history books for Canadian history a few years back. The titles of the books are: The Kids Book of Great Canadians, The Kids Book of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, The Kids Book of Canadian History, The Kids Book of Canada, The Kids Book of Canadian Firsts, The Kids Book of Canadian Geography. The each cost about 15$ via Chapters store.
I also went to Scholar’s Choice and chose some workbook type books that explained our governement, elections, confederation, our prime ministers, and explorers. They are published by S & S Learning Materials. These definitely are not living books, but they gave me the information I needed. And actually my children found reading the bios, governement, confederation information interesting despite not being living books! Go figure.