Did any of you have a bad first half of the year? Will you be restarting after the winter break?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Did any of you have a bad first half of the year? Will you be restarting after the winter break?

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    If so, what did you start with and what will you switching too?  I’m just curious, our first half has not been stellar and i’m really welcoming the winter break so that I can revamp things and try to get us on the right track.  


    Well actually, our first term this year has gone pretty well, so I’m just doing minor tweaking.  I’m doing AO, with a few Canadian modifications – but using Audiobooks to let my children be more independant.

    In the past, I have found Christmas/Winter break to be a good time to switch things up if needed.



    We often shift things around come January because face it, our children’s ages, stages, and abilities shift as they grow. We spent the first half of the year (July through November) studying Church History. Beginning in January we’ll move to Ancient times and are actually trying out Mystery of History as a spine. Math is going great so we’ll leave it be. Science now that we’re hitting winter will shift a bit. I’m thinking I’ll let my 1st and 2nd graders do some of the Download N Go units we have for science until we can get back outside more. My 6th grader – I’m not sure what her plans for science are, she’s pretty independent in that area as it is her passion. I just try to give her what she needs when she asks.

    With my 4 little boys K down to baby we have been doing a literature book each week. We read it daily, talk about it, and do a few simple activities related to the book over the week. Similer to Five in a Row. We’ve just started doing this in Dec and so far they love it.


    I would not say that we have had a bad beginning to the year, exactly, but we do tend to get scattered each year as the holidays approach.  We are down to bare bones schooling at this point –  reading, math practice, and science, and I have been too disorganized to even check things off and add new resources to the organizer for the last few weeks.

    I will take advantage of the holiday break to get things lined out again, and when we start back it will be a natural point for being more diligent.  After Christmas we will put away all the ornaments and do some cleaning and it always feels like a fresh start.  We take a couple of weeks off – following the ps holiday – and by the time it is over my kids are usually so ready for all the other kids (family and neighbors) to go back to their own school and for us to get back to work!  




    Yes, we’ve had a s.l.o.w. start this year with most subjects, ESP. History. We are only half way finished with term one and should be finished. It’s just been an off kind of year so far. I haven’t assigned too much, but too little is being done. We were taking an outside science class on Mondays in addition to being at our CM co-op half of Thursdays. It was too much. We’re dropping the science and will once again have 4 days at home. That should help. We’re also dropping the family history readings from Module 6. I’ve discovered we NEED audiobooks for that. We’re keeping everything else the same, but I must make sure to carve oj more time for my dd5 who got tired of waiting for me to go beyond C-V-C words and is teaching herself to read.

    I only I had a grandm to come play with my swee ds3 for 4 hours a day, we would accomplish SO much more!

    Sara B.

    I had a BAD start to the year (see my previous zillion posts, right?  LOL).  But we are plugging along.  I recently redid our schedule AGAIN and found that I just get my late-riser out of bed at a decent time, we can be completely done with school by noon.  She loves that, but she hates the getting up early part…  I’ve been trying to train her for a long time now to get up early – not working.  But being on a staggered-rising schedule was just not going well at. all.  So that was that.  Experiment over.  🙂

    Other than that, we are not changing very much, just fixing the schedule to a more manageable chunk of the day (read: now it doesn’t last literally all day long).  We’ve had 2 days of the new schedule, and already I feel more relaxed and able to handle things.  Ahhhh….  🙂


    We seem to need a change about every six months or so. We have been going pretty hard since August, with a few days off here and there. This has actually been the longest length of time I have stuck to a schedule without re-creating it. We basically school year round, with about a month off in the summer ( and a much lighter schedule) but I have found that I really need a time to clear out some past work and make room for more. The end of the calendar year seems like a practical time to do this.

    We just spent all of last week going through all of their work for 2012 – throwing out most, keeping some in a box. Now they have empty, labeled binders just waiting for new work to be put in them :). I also had them thoroughly clean out their desks and renew their supply boxes with all the colors they need and sharp pencils and such.

    We won’t do any curriculum changes, but I did just order a couple of new books and a new planner (I like paper and pencil) for myself and my 3rd grader. It makes it seem like something fresh and new is starting, even though we will just pick up where we left off.


    Honestly, we’re just getting rolling now.  Not even quite up to a full schedule yet, but I finally have things about figured out to move forward on the rest.  NOT GOOD!!  We’ve had too many years this way!  But, at least everyone is in a pretty good frame of mind about things, so I’m hoping we can capitalize on that now!  Sometimes though, you just have to survive and get by until you can do better.  I’m hoping we’re on to the “doing better” stage now for a few YEARS.  I’ve just needed the time to find solutions to light the fires again….they were all but dead for a good while.  I think the unintended unschooling has done us all a workd of good in some ways.  Now we all see the need for more structure, instead of just The Mom 🙂

    Best to you!!!



    We were doing alright and we started the year really working hard on math we will continue with that but I will switch concentration to writing and more science. I LOVE science but it always seems to get pushed to the side. I can’t do anything about our schedule for the rest of this year as the kids are taking two classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the public school but next year it will be one class that I choose or no class at all. (I hope, I hate to tell them no to something they like but I simply can’t do it all and be relaxed). I have worked 2 & 1/2 years on some schooling only to not pass the final test last week and I am still reeling from the wasted time and loss of my plans to work from home. But that is another story. 🙁

    We are a bit behind in math and history but will just continue into the summer until it is finished.


    We had a VERY difficult start!!  Our older adopted daughters are high maintenance socially and emotionally.  After 10 years, I’ve grown weary of the drama.  Then throw in a younger child with a new dyslexia diagnosis and a new baby.  It’s been quite a wild ride…LOL.  We ended our first term the week before Thanksgiving and took a week off for the holiday.  We finally settled on a chemistry program for the older and are making progress with All About Reading with a younger.  I also switched up the math for a younger child and added Explode the Code, which he likes. I cut out some geography.  I think we just simplified overall and are starting to find our groove. 


    I went back to keeping a gratitude journal and started Thursdays of Thanks on our family blog.  This has really helped me to focus on the good.  And, by blogging my weekly list of thanks, I am accountable….in a good way.   It’s been a great time of reflection and refocus.  Pray about it and give thanks….


    Enjoy the holidays…bake some cookies 🙂





    Melissa, thanks for the idea of a gratitude journal.  I have really been struggling emotionally and spiritually, between some extended family things, some developmental issues with our son, and the recent news events.  I think this may help me get things back in perspective.


    I could have written Gem’s post.  We also didn’t have a bad start, but we’ve gotten off track.  We spent this month reading a few Christmas books, had some great field trips and real-life learning, and managed to fit in a little bit of 3Rs, but we’ve neglected many other areas.  We did manage to finish our current read-alouds, so I’m hoping it won’t be too hard to get going again.  


    We’ve had a super rough start (and actually end to our last school year). This is only our third school year homeschooling (we school Sept – June) so I feel like I’m still getting my feet wet. My youngest son (currently age 8) was diagnosed with cancer (leukemia) on March 31 and started chemo on April 2, so our school year has been very rocky. We had school into the summer, but the three big kids (ages 10, 12, & 15) have done a good job of staying with their studies and being gracious about our crazy life. I feel like I’m always going to an appt and the travel time is 1 hour each way and an appt is never less than 2 hours and often they are full days. So all this to say, I’m really looking forward to the new year and a fresh start. My son will be starting the “maintenance” part of his cancer treatment very soon and that means our life should start to somewhat resemble “normal” (God willing). Best of all, he’s responded well to his treatment and has been in remission since 8 day of his treatment which we’re so thankful for. It’s a tough road, but we’re thankful there is treatment for this awful illness. I’m also thankful that we homeschool because that has helped cut down on extra germs coming into our home that could make my son sick and we have a flexable schedule where we can school when time allows and there aren’t appointments. Hopefully I can carve out a good chunk of time between Christmas and New Year’s Eve to get our schedule revamped so we are off with flying colors. Sorry to ramble.


    Blessings and prayers to you, MelissaB …. I admire you for continuing to homeschool at all with what your family is going through.

    We had a move this fall that threw off our routine, and I scheduled too many outside activities in an effort to meet people. We will be scaling those back and working on increasing our discipleship studies. I also need to learn to let my older kids increase their independent study and really focus with my younger kids. So lots more narration and writing for my big kids and more read alouds and oral narration with my younger boys. I am also looking forward to getting back to our weekly nature walks with our journals!

    We will be starting with the SCM curriculum guide this year and I am excited to make that change! Hope we all get the kinks ironed out and have smooth and easy days in 2013 :0).

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