Dictation: when to redictate and when to move on

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Dictation (Spelling) Dictation: when to redictate and when to move on

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  • Sue

    How do you all decide when a passage needs to be studied further and dictated again? If more than two words are missed? If any words at all are missed?

    Yesterday, my daughter only missed one word in her dictated passage (it wasn’t among the words she listed that she needed to study), so I’m going to just have her practice that word for a bit and ask her to spell it to me later. I’m not going to dictate the entire passage again for the sake of only one word, but I wondered what others use as a benchmark for repeating the dictation.


    My son (9) missed one word in his passage today, too – not one on his list to learn how to spell. I don’t make a big deal out of it, I definitely don’t make him do it again. I know that while he is doing his dictation, he is practicing listening attentively, spelling, good handwriting, and punctuation. That’s a lot, and we’re early in the year. I count it as a learning experience and move on.

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