Dictating Poetry

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  • mycupoverflows

    Hello, ladies!

    My 11yo son is using Spelling Wisdom Book 2 for dictation/spelling and I am curious: If the selection is a poem, should the child write it as a poem, i.e. following the lines as the poem does? 

    Yesterday we did Exercise 16 and my son wrote the last two lines of the poem as one long sentence. I told him i thought he should keep the poem lines intact but he disagreed 😉 and thought it didn’t matter.

    Is there a right or wrong way to this?


    Well, since he studies it in its poetic form, I would ask him to keep the form just as he replicates the punctuation and spelling.

    Rachel White

    I would also require him to write it in it’s poetic format. It really does matter. Just explain that poetry has different rules, being an art-form.

    If you can, use the opportunity to explain what type of poem it is, style, or anything else poetry related.


    Thanks! You all just confirmed what I was already thinking. 🙂


    That is a good point, I do have a problem w/one child writing too big and not having enough room to fit the line in sometimes though. What would you then?

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