Diana Waring Curriculum

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  • yoliemiller

    Does anyone know enough about the Diana Waring History Curriculum to say if it follows CM methods at all?  I was thinking of buying the CDs only but was wondering about the curriculum also? 


    We love Diana Waring and have her CD’s. IMO, you surely can implement CM methods using her curriculum. It’s designed for you to use how you like with lots flexibility & excellent literature recommendations in each unit. We did find there was much planning and prep-work involved, however. You can view samples on her website or AIG’s. Whatever the case, you can never go wrong with her CD’s and can easily add them to SCM modules. Blessings, Heather


    I have not used her material but have looked at it long and hard. I love how it includes all the different learning modalities.


    If you can find an older copy of her curriculum, from around 2000, it is basically a GREAT booklist for each time period, along with project suggestions, mapping suggestions, and timeline suggestions.  This is from before it was actually a textbook.  One of my most favorite things I ever used with my oldest was her Ancient Civilizations and the Bible.  I have also used the latest incarnation of her curriculum, the one put out by AIG, and it is really great.  It was just a little too much for us.  I prefer something more bare bones, but that’s just a personal preference.


    We have the 3 CDs that go with ancient history and plan to use them with the SCM history modules.  We listen to audio books all the time in our vehicle, so I plan to play them in the van as we go along throughout the year.  My husband and I have already listened to them all on our own, and they are excellent!


    I appreciate all your comments.  I really want to at least get the CD set- not sure about the curriculum.  When I looked at the sample, there were parts about it that I really liked.  But I also wondered if it would be too much for me.  It is so hard to make choices when they involve a budget!  Smile


    I was going to use the curriculum one year but decided that it would be better utilized with older students and my girls were still young.

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