Devotional for a 7 year old?

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  • Rebekahy

    My 7yo dd is reading VERY well and is quite capable of reading her own Bible and having a time for devotions, but sadly, I’m not sure how to guide her in this area.  I’ve done lots of things personally, from reading “our daily bread” to doing Kay Arthur books.  I really don’t want her just reading anecdotal things like Our Daily Bread, but instead I’d like her spending more time actually reading God’s word and meditating on it and praying, but I don’t feel like I have a great method that would be appropriate for her age.  I don’t want to just do a fill in the blank like Balancing the sword.  I really don’t want to use a Zondervan for kids type devotional either – just not meaty enough – I want her to think about the Word, instead of some story that’s been made up to entertain.  Does that make sense?  Are there good resources or am I on my own in this?




    Queen Homeschool has some nice Bible Studies for elementary age. You can have a look at the samples they have on their website to see if that’s what you’re looking for.



    Perfect!  Thank you so much – that looks like exactly what I want!

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