desperate for wisdom…SCM \"Business math\" for 9 year old struggler?

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  • evillarreal1980

    Hi. I apologize for this long post, but i am really in need of wisdom…I’m new to homeschooling and math is our toughest subject. i have a 9 year old daughter, 3rd grade, who i consider “behind” in math. she has started on multiplication concept but still needs work on subtraction, especially understanding meaning of subtracttion beyond just “taking away” (difference and missing addend problems, etc.). she is close to knowing all of her addition facts. we are using Math Mammoth right now and i am frustrated because it is not “Self-teaching” for her. she has gaps in her understanding and needs things spelled out for her. i feel totally incompetent to “teach” her and i still don’t feel i have a good grasp of the gaps that need filling. she was in PS for 2nd grade and a private school for k-1st and struggled with math there too. the jumping around has been tough for her.

    what i think i want to do is take a break on  math with her and work on myself by watching the SCM videos and reading the book to figure out how in the world to even teach math. i don’t feel comfortable just not doing any math with her during this “break” so an option i thought of was the business math pet store book. but she doesn’t yet know how to multiply decimals and she hasn’t touched division yet. would this be too advanced for her? she hates math and always asks “Why do i have to know this?”. i’m wondering if the real-life aspect of this would be motivating for her and she could even pick up some new concepts along the way, such as decimals and understanding subtraction better.

    i feel so insecure in my teaching of math right now and my daughter is suffering for it. something has to change! sorry again for the long post but i am desperate for others’ wisdom and advice.


    I had a child who spent the first 3 grades doing one math program (Saxon)with no real understanding and lots of tears by the end of it. We started over at the very beginning in 3rd grade with her in a new math program (Math U See). She’s now an 11th grader and while for years she was ‘behind’ the traditional math schedule she has caught up and this year is doing Algebra 2. She still doesn’t love math and never will, but she can do it competently. All of that to say, don’t be afraid of choosing a math curriculum and starting over for her. The biggest key was going slow and making sure we mastered each lesson. The second biggest key was to stick with one math curriculum once we were in a program that matched her learning needs. There were still hard moments along the way where she took longer to grasp a concept, but we stuck it out, waited, kept doing practice, and mastered things.

    We have used SCM Business Math before. Yes, it is fun to have the theme (we did Pet Store), but it also uses a LOT of decimals and repetitive longish math (figuring sales, ordering amounts and cost, multiplication and division etc), so it would probably frustrate your daughter.

    There are lots of possibilities for her while you study math and work out a plan. The internet abounds with free worksheets (pinterest is helpful). You could also introduce her to (they have addition and subtraction game options instead of just multiplication) or (more straightforward, no game component, fact practice).

    I’m sure others will have ideas for you too!


    Thank you for your response! everything in me wants to start over, but she is so stubborn and self-concious and balks at anything that seems “baby-ish”. she hates the idea of being behind what her public school friends are doing. that’s why we moved ahead with multiplication. but i know resetting would be so good for her. i guess that’s why i really want to take a break and hopefully learn for myself how to teach math in a more engaging and conceptual way. she can mechanically fill in the formulas but she has very little understanding. i’ve also wondered if switching to Right Start would be good. i love how scripted it is for the teacher and i’ve heard great things about the way it teaches kids to think. but then i go back to the idea that i really need to learn how to teach, and wonder if the SCM DVD/book resource would be a better investment int he long run, not just for my 9 year old but for my 2 younger kids as well.

    that’s really good to know about the business math. that’s exactly what i was wondering and hoping wasn’t the case. thank you!


    Working on math facts like others said is good. We like to use card games.

    Until all the SCM math lessons are out, I would recommend Christian Light Education math if you need lessons.  It is explained well. We skip the speed drills and flashcards, because we practice facts in our card games.

    Hope this helps!


    Thank you! i’ll have to check out CLE. i’ve never looked into it.

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