Design a Study – history and science topics

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  • Tanya

    Just as an fyi, for anyone who likes to put together their own curriculum, just wanted to let you know of a resource that can be kind of helpful:  “Guides to History plus” and “Science scope” by Design-a-study (Kathryn Stout is the author).

    Both of these are basically books of topics in history and science and can be helpful if you are unsure about “missing” something (“missing” because there will always be gaps and we will never teach it all!).  The history guide has a very small list of books and resources to go along with the topics too.  These are not curriculums in and of themselves, but they are general ideas. 


    For example on pages 57-58 of the History Guide: 

    American History:  Slavery-Reconstruction 1750-1880

    Books: (list of 19 living books such as Huckleberry Finn, and autobiography of Frederick Douglass, Uncle Tom’s Cabin)

    Videos/DVDs: (7 listed, including documentaries and historical fiction like Roots)

    Topics:  1800-1890’s  (a list of people and events broken down by categories like anti-slavery, decisions, Government, movements).


    The science book has something similar, but it is really more just a list of topics.  Unfortunately there are no resources listed to help in this one…

    Example on p. 19-25 of Science scope:

    Animals:  Classifications

    Primary: (use observation skills) to group by size, use, general habitat, specific habitat (and examples)

    Primary-Intermediate: list of categories to help group including body parts, body covering, how animal moves, how animals breathe

    Intermediate-Junior High: Kingdoms and sub-categories of kingdoms

    High School: deeper into Kingdoms


    Why I like this:  I have the freedom to do what I want because it is not a pre-determined “do this today” type of a thing.  I can skip what I want and not feel guilty.


    I own SCM’s Planning your CM Education (excellent, by the way!) and Sonya has a place to list topics that you might want to cover.  Also, just setting up what science we’re going to look at, or what are the key points in history I’m looking at, it is helpful to have these books side by side with the SCM Curriculum guide.  If I ever start feeling like I might be “missing” something important , I leaf through the books and see if there are any topics that I need to look deeper into and start searching the library for living books on those topics.

    Anyway, just thought I’d share.  Maybe nobody else will like these, but just wanted to throw it out there…

    Have a wonderful week!



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