Delightful Reading…again!

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  • alice

    I have another question!  Ok, I posted a question a while back because my son needed more repetition with the word building words.  So here is my question.  How long do I “work” on a list of words.  We’ve only done one lessons since I last asked about this.  Lots of stuff going on here…stressful, and phonics has come to a halt for the time.  So like I said, we went through the word building words with the word RAIN.  I wrote some sentences that he made up using the new words, and he then read the sentences.  Do I just have him continue to review those sentences daily…and keep on with the lessons, adding on new words?  Or do we work on those words till he really knows them before moving on?  I’m afraid how long it will take to learn those before learning new material (and I’m thinking he’ll just memorize the sentence, and not really read the words…does that make sense?).  On the other hand I’m worried that if we keep moving, she’ll soon have a mountain of words he doesn’t know that need to be practiced.  I hope I’m not completely confusing you all!
    I’d appreciate any thoughts on this!  Thanks!! 


    Richele Baburina

    Hi Alice,

    From Charlotte’s Home Education, p. 217 on Tommy’s First Lesson:

    …he is to know those nine words so well that he will be able to read them wherever they may occur henceforth and for evermore.

    …Whoso learns [the poem] as it should be learned will know at least one hundred words — not a bad stock-in-trade for a beginner — all of them good useful words that we want every day.

    It’s when our child has a stock of words they are ready to “attack new words with familiar combinations.”

    and p. 226 when Charlotte discusses Reading for Older Children:

    The child who has been taught to read with care and deliberation until he has mastered the words of a limited vocabulary, usually does the rest for himself.

    I hope those quotes help somewhat.  It is seemingly slow going over here with our youngest but by being careful to stop the lesson while it is still enjoyable makes him look forward to his next lesson.



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