Delightful Reading for a child who has mostly been doing phonics

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  • klbranom

    Hi! My oldest is 7 and we have done McGuffy Primer, Starfall, Hooked on Phonics (app)…currently doing Easy Peasy Phonics – so far so good & turbo phonics (he is enjoying it), plus easy readers with mom. Spelling is NOT happening, and he could use more help with his site words. Would Delightful Reading be too much of a step back if he is and has been focused on phonics? thanks!!


    I have not used DR but, I can share a bit about what has worked for us because my daughter started with a phonics program too (due to the very brief time at a Univetsity Model school she was in.) We used Phonics Museum which I liked because it tied in artists/paintings and history and the readers were lovely and not at all twaddle. When I started exclusivly homeschooling and more fully understanding and embracing CM methods, I realized phonetically learning to read is not truly the CM way yet, I had this huge Kit that covered K & 1st and my daughter loved the worksheets and I loved the readers, the exposure to historical topics and artists/paintings etc. So, I continued to use it but, I started skipping many things in the lessons that I felt were getting way too heavy into phonetic and grammatical rules for a 7 yr. old. And when they introduced spelling lists with a weekly test… I skipped those too. Instead, I had her do daily Copywork selections. Bible verse of the week, character quality of the week, character quality verse of the week, a poem or verse from a poem, a stanza of the hymn we are focusing on, a passage from a book we are reading etc. I’m truly amazed at how much she naturally knows how to spell correctly and it’s just from reading and copywork.

    We have never done site words really. Just reading and more reading. The PM kit would have worksheets with lists of words and she enjoyed reading the words off to me. If she did get a word wrong I would simply tell her the right way but, never made an issue of drilling words over and over because that word eventually comes up enough through reading and copywork.

    While she was still doing the PM program, I started having her read from the Reading Literature books by Free & Treadwell. (Primer (K) – 3rd) Even though she could have started with the 1st I started her in the Primer and she really enjoyed reading the stories. She is now 3/4 through the 2nd Reader and she definitely has to “work” a bit more (the stories are longer and the print a bit smaller) but, not so much that it’s hard or discouraging. I also work in Christian Liberty Nature Readers (K-5) and when she reads from that, I check her off for Science & Reading.

    All of that said, if your son is reading already, I would just skip sitewords, and spelling lists and have him read living books or non-twaddle readers (which I like because of the progression of passage selection and font size). And also have him do Copywork. Either get a primary ruled composition book and choose your own copywork passages or SCM has some nice ones. If you are already doing Print to Cursive Proverbs, that has copywork already. I plan to move my daughter to Hymns in Prose after that and then, into Spelling Wisdom, which I believe teaches spelling through prepared dictation of meaningful verses and passages from literature rather than memorizing boring lists of words.

    Sorry, that was crazy long. Lol. Hope it’s somewhat helpful. ☺️


    One other thing I will mention is that, with the readers she is in, while she needs very little correction with words, she still seems very “stiff” in her reading and not progressing with the natural fluency I’d like. (She does not pause with comas and periods. She does not notice “!” Or “?” marks. Rather than having her read the same stories over (that’s boring and discouraging), I’m looking at other readers like the Elson readers and I will probably just start with the 1st grade book so that she gets more practice on her level while reading new and different stories.


    Thank you BlessedMommy! That was very helpful and encouraging! I’m going to just keep on doing what im doing with him and we made a deal that he can start Latin when we finish this book so I’m sure that will end up helping with some spelling stuff too. But I will keep considering the Delightful Reading for my younger two. ?


    BlessedMommy, have you tried Reader’s Theatre with her? There are lots of free scripts on line. My kids love, love, love them! I love how it builds on their creativity. We did a few that I printed off and then the kids started writing their own, as well. It has helped my oldest with fluency, as she is now thinking about where the natural pauses are when she speaks and where she should be putting/responding to punctuation. It also gives the benefit of repeated reading, without the drudgery.


    Reading for fluency and al those natural pauses and expressions. Check out, Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons by Amy Buswell & Bruce  Lansky, the how it works instruction is great and after free on kindle. It’s actually rather brilliant! You coul do the “book” with your own twaddle free reading selections too. My Lukas likes the silly, so we are going to use the book. ?


    Thanks! I will look into those. I was looking at the Elson readers today and having second thoughts about them.

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