Delightful Reading and the poem Rain…an error?

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  • Kelly Bond

    Hi there…I am hoping to begin Delightful Reading lessons with my 6yo son soon. Looking through the book, I notice that the first line of the poem “Rain” by Robert Louis Stevenson reads: “The rain is FALLING all around….” My son and I memorized this poem earlier this year, and in every other place I can find, the poem reads: “The rain is RAINING all around….” Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this? I’d like to use this poem for our first lesson, but I think it will be confusing since we learned it differently. Is there a replacement tile we could get?

    Thanks for any help you can offer!


    We also had memerized this poem earlier and noticed the difference.  I decided to just go with what the DR book had since it was a new sight word.  We haven’t had that much trouble saying falling instead of raining.

    Sonya Shafer

    I’ve seen it both ways. You can easily create a new word tile if you want to go with the version you’ve already memorized by writing the word on an index card and cutting it down to size. 

    Kelly Bond

    My apologies, Sonya! After I posted this, I did a search online and did indeed see it both ways. And I should have been able to come up with the idea to replace the tile. I just wasn’t thinking clearly last night! Thanks for your help!


    The original version by Robert Louis Stevenson in A Child’s Garden of Verses is “The rain is raining all around”.

    “The rain is falling all around” is from a song by Gary Bachlund which was adapted from Stevenson’s poem.

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