Dedication to Homeschooling

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Habits Dedication to Homeschooling

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  • elsnow6

    Ok, I’m posting this under “Habits” because it ultimately comes down to MY habits I’m thinking. For pretty much my 8yo dd’s whole life, I’ve been dealing with chaos. First her father walked out followed by about 5 years of me fighting to save the marriage & protect my girls from his lifestyle choices. We had a period of semi-peace for about a year though I still struggled with feeling stressed & overwhelmed trying to do everything myself. I remarried 1 1/2 years ago to a good man with two little girls so now we are a family of 6 with a 9yo, 8yo, 7yo & 5yo…ALL girls 🙂 & aaagghhh at the same time lol. Unfortunately, it also included an ex-wife who has made it her mission to create chaos for us. We are currently in the middle of a custody battle that we are not sure when it will end. So, I say all that to explain that all the chaos, emotional strain added to the everyday challenges of parenting, homeschooling, working (just one day) & maintaining a home (& hormones making me nuts at times) has severely impacted how I carry out homeschooling. To say the least, my habits are pitiful. Not that I don’t generally accomplish educating my child, keeping the home maintained, putting food on the table, etc. but the point is it is GENERALLY & not at all what I envision for our lives. I truly believe in homeschooling & have no intention of stopping (most days lol) yet feel like I am nowhere close to accomplishing my vision for this most days. My daughter is not at all behind in that she reads well, is quick with math & has beautiful handwriting so that isn’t my concern. I just find myself letting myself skate by or being checked out when I could “spread a feast” like I read about. Then I look at everything we’ve dealt with & try to have a little grace for myself but think ultimately that winds up in a place of just not requiring myself to be dedicated to what God has allowed me to do…spend most everyday with my daughters helping them learn & grow. I know y’all may not have the answers but maybe hoping for some ideas & encouragement on how to keep myself out of the ruts where I let my dedication to homeschooling slide (typically in favor of Pinterest or other “research” to give me all the resources I need to solve everything lol or long talks with my best friend because I’m upset/depressed/stressed out, etc). 


    Honestly, routines have been a saving idea for us, especially the last 2.5 years since having Mason with all his medical needs.  I’ve been gone or busy or distracted or overwhelmed so much (12 major surgeries, closing in on 200 doctor’s appointments, daily physical therapy and other care routines for his bladder and bowels, and more).  Not to mention I had baby #8 in that time too. 

    I love the simple ideas of Charlotte Mason – that we can read great living books and spread a feast of ideas and get out of our children’s way while they form the relationships with the material. It’s a trust thing, stepping out and letting this process happen without falling back into assigning busywork, but when we stay the course and build in family routines that keep us moving along the path even when life is overwhelming or chaotic, the results are beautiful.


    And when we fall down and make a mess of it all God is faithful to help us try again!


    I’ve read your posts & knew of Mason’s medical needs but you always seem to have everything so together that it didn’t occur to me how much you might have to overcome to be pulled together. Reading your post I realized that, while the specifics of our situations are quite different, the same issue is present- pulled in so many directions that it’s easy to get off track. However, you seem to do a much better job of accepting that this is what your life is at the moment & figure out a way to work within that. I really appreciate your feedback…I’m sure you are a good bit younger than me but much wiser about parenting than I 🙂 Wish I could steal you for a few weeks lol

    Michelle Brumgard

    I think one of the things that can be encouraging is just knowing you are not alone.  We are getting ready to start our first year of homeschooling and I feel like I need a year to just do habit training for myself and kids (DD7.5, DS3).  More days than not, I have wondered how I will ever do it but trust God’s called me to this work.  However, I’m also in the process of trying to launch a part-time business successful.  I surely don’t have any answers for you but find reading others threads, like Tristan here, so encouraging!  I realize I could have more on my plate than I do that is evenly less out of my control.


    Elsenow, my situation was failry similar with my older kids- same idea different details. I wasn’t fully CM, I didn’t even start learning about CM until they were 8-9 yo but even with all the difficulties we encountered, home ed, and especially the CM bits that stuck with them, have been some of the more valuable things they have taken into adulthood. They are light years ahead of where they would be otherwise! As someone who has come out the other side I can tell you it is worth all the stuggle to try to pull it together every day and it does pay off in the end.


    I know y’all may not have the answers but maybe hoping for some ideas & encouragement on how to keep myself out of the ruts where I let my dedication to homeschooling slide (typically in favor of Pinterest or other “research” to give me all the resources I need to solve everything lol or long talks with my best friend because I’m upset/depressed/stressed out, etc).

    Your comment here made me smile because it is so true when we are overwhelmed…we seek escape by looking for answers elsewhere instead of starting somewhere within. I found myself doing this a lot this past winter. But it doesn’t work and just keeps adding fuel to our discontent. Pinterest is especially good at that for me because I see all these “perfect” things – people, activities, ideas, etc and I wish I was doing that too – all while knowing in the back of my chair is my reality. LOL

    I am trying to really be more intentional and less reactional to my life, and wanted to share those things that are helping me. But homestly, someone telling me what to do wasn’t what really made me start. I hit the rock-bottom of what I was allowing to happen and knew that I HAD to make the effort to change. My husband is supportive, but he doesn’t run the day-to-day things of the home so while I have his support and encouragement, what happens in my home is what I decide/allow/make happen. It really does start with me.

    I have made a lot of progress in the last few months and am eager to continue because it is getting easier for me – yea! Here are a few things that I am being more intentional and deliberate about:

    1. Getting all the way dressed down to my shoes and socks. I discovered that I feel like I can get things done if I am wearing shoes – not slippers or flip flops – and wearing them keeps me motivated for the day. It is less comfortable to sit and read for hours on the couch in tennis shoes for me. 😉

    2. Check my email and take care of business on the computer AFTER I read my scriptures and then shut off the computer until evening or after my chores are done.

    3. Make a REALISTIC schedule of your day. There are a bazillion and one ways to do it, but do it. Here’s a quick idea:


    • Write down the the things that you want to do, things that have to happen, and how much time you would need to do each thing.
    • Have a masterchart with the hours of the day down the side with the days of the week across the top.
    • Start plugging in the items you want to accomplish and when they need to be done.
    • Fiddle with that for a few days and then start DOING the schedule. Even if you are only able to do a few hours at a time, you’ll be amazed at how much happier those hours were and how much more got done.
    • You should also do one for each child. It will help all of you to know who does what, when, how often, and your days will suddenly be more smooth. Because the children know what is to be done and when, they will be happier.
    • If you start feeling overly scheduled, too unflexible, or unrealistic, make a few adjustments and stick with it. Sooner or later, you will find a rythum that works for you.

    If only five things get done in the morning, it is still done. Often writing it done helps and you have something to help you be accountable for that time. 😉 It is okay to work on this routine and schedule a few hours at a time for a week or two as you make adjustments in the family’s way of thinking and acting.

    3. Make a chore chart of some sort – chore paks, check-off lists, etc and start teaching your children how to do these chores. Be consistent in this. Soon they will be capable helpers and take a lot of pressure off you. Make one for yourself to wear if you have to while creating your new habits. 

    4. Get a phone headset to talk on the phone. My sister and love to talk on the phone and discovered that it could be a great motivator for us…we can’t be reading or on the computer while visiting, but we can certainly start laundry, fold it, tidy and dust, sweep, do dishes, whatever. The trick was to buy headsets that plug in so we can be hands free while we talk. You could still talk to your girlfriend and yet you would be able to work at the same time!

    5. Get rid of stuff. My house was not a hoarders home, but I managed to tuck A LOT of stuff away that we did not need. I have spent the last 4 months cleaning out my home and have had a large successful yardsale, given away things, cleaned, and reorganized, and in the process I have gotten rid of about 60 large boxes of nice stuff, furniture, and more. My house is becoming what I need and less about where to put the stuff. My family was freaked out at first, but it is so much nicer. They don’t even miss the stuff. Clean up is much easier and we have been able to spend more time doing the stuff we want.

    6. I love finding resources and could do it all day. BUT I realized somewhere along the way that it doesn’t matter HOW MANY resources I have, if I am not using them CONSISTENTLY, I will not see the progress needed and it will make all of our lives harder. For me it really isn’t about which brand of curriculum or how green the grass looks for someone on Pinterest, it is about USING what I already have. So shut off the computer and USE what you have. This especially applies to homeschooling. No curriculum is effective if sitting unused on the shelf.

    As Curlywhirly said, it is worth the struggle in the end. =) Be encouaged…you can do this!


    I’m right there with you. What I’m doing is finding out what things HAVE to be done. My kids are younger and scheduling just doesn’t work for me. I’m accepting that I can’t do that. It will only make things a lot wrose if I try. 

    So, I’m trying to simplify. I’m working on de-cluttering so cleaning takes less time. I’m trying to keep school simple. I tend to want to try everything that seems good and get a huge book list and then I can’t get it all in. So, I’m trying to go with a few really good resources instead of a whole lot of good ones.

    I’m making an effort to have me time for recharging. If I don’t, I get overwhelmed and escape a little all the time. It just seems more responsible to have an occassional big escape rather than a constant half-escape.



    I am firmly convinced that Pinterest is of the devil. It eats up time and seems to make just about everyone feel inadequate (and then give up on their homes before they start). Drop that and see how much more you get done! 😀


    I think I must be the ONLY one who actually gets more interested and motivated from Pinterest boards! ; ).

    I would like to second the advice from sheraz. VERY good advice!

    I would also like to encourage you to take all of these situations to the Lord in prayer every day. Starting your day in prayer will help keep you focused throughout the day on what really matters. Actively inviting the Holy Spirit to be with you, speak through you and guide you all throughout the day will make a noticeable difference in you and therefore everything that you are involved with.



    I can certainly relate. I have been trying to get a good schedule going for us since last summer. I know systems and plans are important. But I was always stuck about which habit I needed help with. I thought regularity for routines and schedules. I thought orderliness or neatness. Perhaps self control or self discipline. While it would help to improve on these habits, I have come to realize one more important. THE habit *I* need to work on is attention. Attention is #1 in Charlotte’s book and I thought that was just for the kids. But I really do have a hard time focusing on the right thing and staying focused.

    I know I need to spend less time on the computer/Internet. I need to figure out a good time to schedule that and make a list of priorities of how best to spend my time on it. I also think all the links we can click to go here and there does not help me to grow in the habit of attention. I do not go on pinterest, but I can imagine it would be bad on the habit of attention as well.

    And it helps me to write in a journal about things I have been hurt by emotionally. Pray for healing.


    Thanks so much for all the great input & encouragement! I don’t have any kiddos for a couple days so maybe I can focus & get some things organized/planned.

    I took Pinterest & FB off my phone a while back bc realized it felt impossible to sit still without looking at it. I think all the technology does actually affect your brain…not to the point we can’t truly control it but makes you think you can’t. Sometimes Pinterest is helpful but can also contribute to discontent & unnecessary distraction. I’m not on any of that near as much since removing from phone though 🙂


    Such good advice about journaling wings2fly. It has been hard to heal bc I swear it’s like I’m just starting to get up & something else knocks me down. I’m a professional counselor & know so many things yet haven’t managed to use those effectively in my life…though experiencing all this has helped me have more compassion, insight & understanding for my clients so I know that is a part of the purpose God has in allowing all this. I finally realized that my biggest battles are fear that God will allow something even worse in my life to “teach me” (I realize this is a distorted view of Him I have to work through but haven’t fully done so yet) & “learned helplessness”- believing that nothing I do will work basically. These are ultimately spiritual battles, but I haven’t been able to overcome them. I say this because I recognize overcoming these issues with God will be the only true solution to my original post…everything else will hopefully help as work through it though 🙂

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