Decorating my school binder and…

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  • Would love your suggestions for a favorite quote ( preferably CM ). Anyone care to share?

    Also, I bought a new leather material binder that I think will really hold up over the years. But I’m curious to know what you all use and enjoy? I also found a great deal on some pretty divider inserts. I use my binder everyday and it will be fun to jazz it up this way! 🙂


    A good place to find them is the home page of SCM.  They are under the menu on the left and change frequently.  I have seen some great quotes there.  

    Another one I thought would be good is the reminder that our children are persons, not empty bottles, and can make their own connections with the feast. Another one that might help is the reminder of K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple, Sweetie. lol  I find when I am having the most angst in my life, I am forgetting all those things I listed!

    I don’t have any real quotes at hand, though. 😉  

    Good ones Sheraz. Thanks!

    It seems there was a place on this site or maybe a post from awhile back that mentions favorite quotes, but I could be imagining.

    Guess I need to get the CM reference books out and enjoy pondering. 🙂


    I have CM’s motto and related scriptures on my binder. Not “jazzy” but it’s a great reminder for myself.


    I just uploaded my new binder cover I made. It is not fancy, but it has meaning to me. I chose a Scripture for myself for this year. Then I encouraged our children last week to choose a Scripture for themselves. I had to help our 7YO and 6YO, but they gave me key words and then I gave them some suggestions; then they chose one. Each one is so unique and I can’t wait pray these over the children this year. I put each one on my binder with that child’s “family color.” I really like the way it all turned out! I plan to make a back cover, and plan to choose some CM quotes for that.

    Here is a link:

    My3boys, that’s a nice idea to relate scripture to the motto.

    LDImom, your cover is great! Thanks for sharing!


    If you don’t mind, could you all tell me what you put in your binder.  I could use some different ideas.  I always want to include everything and then……overflow not to mention overwhelming.Wink


    I put a divider tab for each child. Behind it, I have their Year-at-A-Glance sheets which lists all of their books for that year. A basic overview if you will, much of which is the same in the areas of Bible and History/Geography.

    I also put Math sheets that I use with our Math curriculum, Math on the Level.

    Then I have various other things that are specific for each child, such as TOCs for their lanugage books and independent reading books.

    I also have an attendance record behind my tab (yes I have one too LOL!) as well as a field trip form, ideas for future field trips, receipts for purchases for this year, and that is about it.



    Oh one new thing I added this year is lists of tools we have in different subjects, like games for math or geography or books in those subjects. I have so many thing I forget to use b/c I forget we have it! Now I’m hoping I can refer to that quick sheet and use more of our hands-on products when applicable or just on an off day where we throw the regular plans for the day aside!

    I also am able to glance at it and see where I might be able to purchase an item (or not if I have enough already). I also added a library of our current living books, though it is not complete yet. I *might have* purchased more than one copy of a few books before, without meaning to do that. 😉

    I read this by Sally Clarkson and wanted to share. It is THE reason I have my children at home and I am making room for this reminder on my binder cover.

    What is “the deep longing and satisfaction of our souls?-

    to know and to be known and to trust someone with our heart and know it will be held with grace and tenderness.

    This is my joy of being the best friend and most trusted counselors of my dearest children”

    “the sharing of life–

    the pointing them to His truth, His ways, His love, in the warp and woof of life moments,

    this is the essence of discipleship,

    this is the secret of a blessed motherhood.”


    Excellent mottos and reminders, ladies!

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