Decluttering and Art Supplies

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  • JenniferM

    Help! We have lots of great art supplies and materials. My children use them regularly, but I want/need some sort of simplicity here. What to do? (supplies include various types of paints and brushes, various types of paper/canvases, play dough, clay, scissors, glitter, beads, boxes, scraps, yarn, plastic twine, googly eyes, felt, and more!)



    I like to buy photo boxes from Hobby Lobby to store our craft supplies in. These boxes are pretty durable cardboard in a plain color or with a pattern and have a spot to put a label on the front. They also stack nicely in a closet or on a shelf. Each supply has its own box (watercolors in one, play-doh in one, yarn in one, etc.) My kids don’t do anything with googly eyes, glitter, or beads…I’m “that” mom who hates that type of stuff and the mess it creates. Innocent


    I found this cool old card catalog drawer unit at a garage sale for $10. We keep most of our small art supplies inside it. There are similar organizers for sewing rooms and garage hardware I think.


    Thanks, Lindsey and MountainMama. I’m trying to reorganize with what I have. I would love to keep ALL art supplies in one central location, but I think I’m going to need to relax and accept two locations. It is important to me that paints be near a sink. I have a large available cabinet space in my kitchen, but not quite large enough to keep everything in it in a way that is usable. We have to pull out certain materials to get to the ones in the back of the cabinet. We have been doing more of our lessons in the kitchen/living room rather than the den/school room lately. Plus, my daughter often does crafty activities in the den/school room, so I’m contemplating moving our school books and notebooks to the kitchen cabinet (along with the paint) and move our crafty stuff down to the den/school room. I’m just thinking “out loud”. :). Maybe I’m trying too hard to get everything “just right.”


    Our children just fill a small plastic bowl with water and take their paint to whatever table they want to use. We use all washable watercolor, and they keep the paints away from the upholstered furniture.

    Sometimes you do have to buy organizing stuff like boxes, baskets, folders, etc. I sure wouldn’t want loose watercolors and brushes in my kitchen cabinets. You can get cheaper plastic boxes at Walmart and Target. They have lids and usually cost $1-2. Not bad at all, and you can fit a lot in them. 

    I find it much more worth my time and money to have art supplies accessible to the children, not just to me. It saves my sanity when I know they can reach and get whatever they need without needing me to rearrange an entire closet or cabinet for them to find what they want. Inevitably, they want that “thing” on the top shelf in the back, am I right?! The boxes I got at Hobby Lobby were originally $3.99, but they were on sale for 50% off. $2/box several years ago, and they’re still holding up well.


    I use a back of the door organizer meant for shoes that I hang in one of my closets.  There are clear pouches and I can hold so much and it is easily accessible.  I got mine for about $5 at walmart.  It is great cause I can shut the door and not have to “see” it all.  🙂


    I have so many plastic shoe box bins! I use them for everything! Even my kitchen cabinets (one has oils, one has vinegars, one has the honey/vanilla and other extracts) they come in 5pks at target for $6. We use them for toys, art supplies and pretty much everything you can think of. They stack nice and the kids click on so little babies can get them open!


    Hello Again!

    I have it all cleaned up and usable now!  Yay!  

    I have oodles of containers for organization so that was not a problem!  I also have different kinds of paint, not just water colors, so carrying them to another room was not an option!  I did find that the container I used for storing paints just wasn’t best.  I found one with shorter sides but longer so that all the paints could fit in nicely and be seen easily!  Yay!  I decided I could have two areas for art supplies.  As it turns out, we always use paints and play-doh/clay in the kitchen so it worked best to keep those items there.  I moved all other art supplies down to the den, but instead of lovely matching cubby boxes, I store them in art caddies where they can be seen and used easily.

    I also went through my bookshelves downstairs and weeded out books we no longer need and passed them on to others in need of books.  I moved most of the books to the cubby shelves because they are sturdier for the weight of the books and moved the art supplies to the “book” shelf.  This is really working out lovely.  I also threw away lots and lots of junk.  It was freeing.   

    Thank you to all who chimed in with advice and encouragement. Smile


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