deciding what days to read history books

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules deciding what days to read history books

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  • TLCmom

    I haven’t read many history books to my 7 year old daughter this year and I’d like to schedule some in. We’ve been reading a number of science/nature books. She is really into birds right now, so I have a number of bird books in the CM organizer right now that I plan to read on M/W/F. I’m wondering, should I schedule some history books in to read on T/TH (which is doable) or should I plan to read the bird books M/T/W/TH/F, then schedule the history books after them? That would mean going back and forth between science and history instead of them going at the same time. What do you do? I would like to have history and science books going at the same time, the only thing I’m thinking is is if I start a history book on a Thursday, then we would have to wait 5 days before getting back to it. Thanks!


    We have readings from more than one subject each day, so in our case Science is M/T (with experiments and other activities the other days) and we read some History every day of the week.

    I do think 5 days between readings is too long. Could you do both subjects on one day of the week?


    This past year we did Module 1 so our History was only one day a week.  I felt like that was too long for keeping in tune with what we were supposed to be learning.  With the exception of Boy of the Pyramids, nothing was exciting enough for dd6 to remember a whole week later.  Even I had trouble with it.


    When I taught in a multigrade classroom, I had to do some subjects every other day just b/c of the time crunch. What I did was something like this: Week 1 History MWF, Science TTh. Week 2 Science MWF, History TTh. Would something like that work for you?

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