Dangerous journey question

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    This book is scheduled for us in a couple of weeks and I can only get it at our library as a video.  It’s about 18.00 online so I don’t want to purchase it.  Is it just a simplified version of Pilgrim’s Progress?  Should I try the video or just read the original Pilgrim’s Progress instead? (My oldest is 7)  Thanks!  Adrienne


    There is also another version:  Little Pilgrim’s Progress, you could get it for less than $5 on Amazon. We have it, but used The Dangerous Journey instead (book, not video…haven’t seen the video). I know a few families who actually used the original Pilgrim’s Progress, they just went slowly and discussed more.


    I saw Little Pilgrim’s Progress at our local library, so maybe you can get that at yours.


    You could also look at the Pilgrim’s Progress in Words of One syllable (gutenburg project)


    Adrienne, If you can find a used copy somewhere I would recommend buying it. This book has been 3 of my boys favorite books as young children and I highly recommend it……have you tried inter library loan?? Wendy


    Thanks for all the tips!  I had read some negative reviews on the Little Pilgrim’s Progress and our library doesn’t have it either.  Our interlibrary loan only lets us have things for 1 or 2 weeks so it’s hard to get things done that quickly but I could try.  Thanks ladies, Adrienne


    We loved the book Dangerous Journey and if possible, I would recommend buying also. It’s a favorite here, too. We tried the DVD, but it was just still pictures with someone reading and we didn’t enjoy it at all. 

    We also enjoy Little Pilgrim’s Progress. My dd10 is reading through it during her devotional time right now. The original is terrific, but possibly too much for your guys just yet.


    I know an old post, but we are to this book and I was thinking same thing that I didn’t want to buy for the price. Also not sure of some of the content for our 7YOs. But our library has it, so I just requested it. I will pick it up in next couple of days. If they like it, I will start looking for a used copy. Thanks for the info. ladies!


    FYI, he Dangerous Journey video is available for free viewing at the Answer in Genesis website.  It’s in the kids video section. My kids have watched it numerous times by choice and they really like it, so don’t be too put off by the fact that it looks pretty outdated.



    @pslively, thanks for this wonderful tip!

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