DailyGrammar.com – any users or thoughts?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar DailyGrammar.com – any users or thoughts?

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  • missceegee

    Has anyone used http://www.dailygrammar.com? It reminds me of Getting Started with Latin/Spanish in layout and simplicity. Wondering if it’s enough practice?

    Any thoughts appreciated. I’m looking mainly for dd12 and possibly ds9 (if we did this orally). My other option for dd12 is Easy Grammar Plus.


    We are using EGP w/ my 8th grader and I can’t say I love it, possibly the layout. The one I have has the student text with the TG, so I don’t have a separate one and the answers are right in front of him.  Not crazy about that.  I think you can purchase them separately, which is what I wish I had done, but not sure if you can.  My son seems okay w/ it, but he’s not a complainer unless I really push him for an answer. 

    I tried making copies of the student pages and that became too much work so I just let him do the work and self correct.  I do trust him, but the layout makes me bonkers.  It’s such a large book, too!  We were using JAG and I thought he was getting burned out so we switched to EGP.  I don’t really have any complaints…easy explanations (although it seems each grammar program uses its own language, no joke) and clean, uncluttered worksheets. 

    We’ll probably take a break soon, and then go back to JAG to finish it up.  Then, not sure.  But, if I go back to EGP, I’ll check for a separate TG.

    hope that made sense.

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