Daily Warm-Ups Spelling and Grammar plus opinions on long-term LA plan

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Daily Warm-Ups Spelling and Grammar plus opinions on long-term LA plan


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  • Rachel White

    Can someone give me some feedback on this DW? I have the Commonly Confused Words and like it a lot. I am happy with PLL/ILL. My son is going into ILL and starting Latin this year (he’s 10). My dd is in PLL, then ILL and will also do Latin, I don’t think they need an intensive grammar course (plus, I don’t want them to hate it), but want to cover all I possibly can. So I was thinking of using the DW sp. and Gr. after ILL and before OMT. So on paper, this is how I have it figured (I think!):

    For Him:

    Alongside Latin 4 Children–ILL (age 10-13)                                                                                                start Meaningful Composition the last year of ILL (11 or 12)                                                                         then use the DW: spelling and grammar after ILL (13)                                                                                     begin Our Mother Tongue after the Daily Warm ups  (14?)                                                                     continuing MC through the upper level years               

    For my dd: same plan, except since she is kinesthetic and auditory, have her make color coded cards when she comes across parts of speech and use as needed for retention and use music resources for reinforcement as well; she has trouble with abstract concepts and thinking sequentially.                                                          

    What do you think? Does it look balanced and complete? Input from those with olders would esp. be appreciated.                

    Thanks, Rachel

    Rachel White

    Just bumping once for input!

    Thanks, Rachel

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