Daily Schedule – How to get to all the kids and stay sane

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Daily Schedule – How to get to all the kids and stay sane

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    I don’t know about you ladies, but I’ve been working out our daily schedule for the new school year. I use schedule loosely because we don’t schedule down to the minute, we set blocks of time and decide what things get worked on in those blocks.  Ex: from 10am-11am is snack, scriptures, and literature.  This year I’m feeling the pull especially heavily on me as I try to figure out how to get enough of me to go around for lessons with 6 school age kids, 2 preschoolers, and a baby/toddler.  I need an assistant! 😉

    I’ve been working my way through SCM’s Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education book, just like I do every year.  It’s so helpful because I get the big picture and work my way down to the day to day details.  Right now I’m looking at 6 lists (one for each school age child) of subjects to fit into a week. I have the Daily Schedule Free floating time box chart printed with my own time blocks written in.

    5am – high schooler and I up for the day. I drive her to early morning seminary (scripture class with other teens from church) at 5:30am, come home, and get my personal devotions done.
    6:30am – The rest of the kids get up and eat breakfast, I go back to get the high schooler. Everyone has until 8am to eat, dress, and play.  Or they can choose to do chores early or get some school work done. Up to them.
    8am-9:40am – This will have some subjects written in. Devotional, a group subject, and then one on one with various elementary or middle school kids while others work independently. Little ones do table time, play, and listen in when mom is reading aloud if they wish (usually snuggled up on the couch).
    9:50-11am – Snack, Literature, and scripture reading for most of the kids, while I work 1 on 1 with the high schooler – this is our tutoring block where she can check in with me daily and get my undivided attention and help.
    11am-11:30am – another block that needs a subject assigned, probably a group subject.
    11:30am-2pm – Break time. This is lunch, medical needs for Mason that take an hour every afternoon, and just a good mental break for everyone.
    2pm-3pm – One last block of time, this will probably rotate some subjects we don’t do daily.
    3pm and beyond – Snack, chores, and freedom.

    Have you started thinking about the day to day ‘what to do when’ ? Do you do schooling mainly in the morning or do you start later and spill over into afternoons? Or not begin until afternoon?


    I finished our “schedule” yesterday. My dream would be to see my beginning of year schedule match our day to day activities!

    You ladies amaze me with your hands in so many grades! I have a 3rd, 2nd, and K this year plus a 3 year old BOY and am fretting over just how am I going to do this?!

    Most of our school is scheduled for morning. Afternoons I have scheduled Apologia (3x week)/nature study/walk to park (alternating amongst the three), read aloud, and piano practice. I hope I scheduled enough margin into my day.


    I have to admit, it felt just as overwhelming when I had a couple school age kids as it does now, because they were all younger then!  Here’s my kids’ age and grade breakdown right now (2 girls and 7 boys):

    Makayla age 14, 10th grade
    Joseph age 11, 6th grade
    Emma age 10, 5th grade
    Daniel age 8, 3rd grade
    Oliver age 7, 2nd grade
    Caleb age 5 (almost 6) Kindergarten
    Mason age 4.5, Preschooler
    Samuel age 3, Preschooler
    Tobias age 8mos, baby/toddler during this school year

    So I have 1 high schooler, 1 middle schooler, 4 elementary ages, and 3 littles.

    I agree, margin matters!  I try to have large blocks of time so that we have wiggle room to get things done in that block.  I would rather do less and not be stressed over finishing than do many things but be stressed about how long kids are taking because we need to get it all done in a day.

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