I love a clean house too. Our organizing is in the evenings during “evening chore time”. Everything is put back in its place, along with any folded clothes. In the morning is all the basics like bed making, start another load of laundry, kitchen cleaned after breAkfast, getting dressed. Each child has their own list, one for morning, one for evening.
Also, after lunch is a lite clean up of kitchen and checking laundry again. Our bigger deep cleaning day is usually Thursday, when we all vacuum and get things sparkling again before the weekend comes.
One more thing if you’re interested in a weekly task idea. I designate every week to concentrate on one particular room to clean. For example, Week 1 is living room and entry way. So on Monday, I dust the area; Tuesday vacuum the area; Wednesday throw out any junk and organize it; Thursday, for fun, add something pretty to the room if needed. I don’t spend more than 15 minutes a day doing this, in addition to my evening chores. I watch the clock and stop after that time. Then week 2, I move on to the next room like the kitchen. Etc.
Hope this gives you a little help!