Curriculum/Books/Etc. sale :-)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Curriculum/Books/Etc. sale :-)

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  • Amy

    Hi All,

    After clearing out our bookshelves and such I am trying to clear out for next year’s books and college payments for my oldest.  Gasp!  I have a link set up on my blog (it is not much of a blog it was made for myself to keep up with all of my kids books and links, etc.)  But anyway it was easier to do it that way.  If you are interested in anything let me know and I’ll give you a total with shipping.  Thanks so much for looking!!


    Rachel White

    Could you tell me about the Stobaugh World Lit. Course? Which is printed out and bound: Teacher’s or student’s guides? Or both?



    Rachel White

    I would like the World Lit. materials.  Can I PayPal you on Monday?

    $5 + s/h? Do you want me to email you?



    Yes, that will be fine.  If you want the binders it will cost more to send if not I can ship them cheaper, will let you decide.  Just let me know and I’ll calculate shipping for you.  Send me an email through my email address: and I’ll give you the details.  Thanks!

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