Curriculum Guide and Independent Work

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  • amandajhilburn

    I have been looking at the guide and trying to figure this out without posting another question, but I can’t….so sorry but here I am again! 🙂

    At what point should I be assigning reading for history, science, and literature? So far this year I have been reading everything to my children (ages 9 and 7). I do not feel that they are doing much on their own at all right now other than math worksheets (and I assist with those most of the time). I know that my 9 yr old could handle some reading and maybe some research, but my 7 yr old is not a confident reader yet.

    Also since we are doing Apologia Science together and History module 1 together, how do I give them assignments to do on their own? We will begin module 2 after Christmas,and I was looking at the guide and don’t know how I would assign a book for my 9 yr old to read on her own because I will also need to read it to my 7 yr old, right? Also the literature books are for reading aloud as a family, so should they be reading something else on their own too?

    Feeling a bit confused,



    Amanda, Just wanted to let you know how I’ve done it.. I have a 8, 10 & 11yr (plus 3 more littler ones) and we also do History, Science & Literature together.  My 11 yr old is a great reader but when we 1st started I knew if I gave him the books to read for his age he wouldn’t read them, not really atleast.  Also, my 10 yr old doesn’t like to read and I know he likes to “skim” if he can get away with it.  I don’t have time to read all the books before hand either. 

    So for the 1st year being they were for the most part all in the same books we did read them together.  I got them interested in the subjects and wanting to hear more (that’s what these living books do, they really draw them in).  Then when we started Module 2, and the 2nd Term I set my 10 & 11 yr old on there own with the books they should be reading indepentantly.  How do they do it.  Well we have a 30 min time everyday they have to do independent reading, so one day one will take the books and use them for his reading and the next the other son will do the same.  It seems to be working great right now.

    Science we also do the Fulbright books so there is nothing at this age I feel they have to do independantly from the family.  We read it together and I can tell the older ones are getting it more because they ask more questions and they can answer the questions at the end of the book better with more clarity then the 8 & 5yr olds.

    Literature for us is 1 family read aloud which I read during snack time.  I get something a bit older one tiem and something a bit younger for the littlers ones interest the next.  Good literature is “good” for anyone.  Then as I said above the the 3 older non nappers have 30 minutes of independant reading in the afternoon they can pick there own “good” literature book (with the exception every once in awhile with the twaddle book in there, I mean we all do it from time to time dont we?? Embarassed)

    I hope that helps.  It sounds like you are doing just fine to me.  I also think that if it’s good literature and everyone is listening why not read it aloud?


    I have a 9 and 5 year old that I am doing school with and I read to them for History, Science and Literature.  I choose a book in between.  Then, I give my 9 year old a seperate book to read on his own.  After he is done, he comes and narrates what he read to me.  I don’t know what age is recommends but I think that I will read to them and be very involved at least until middle school.  Thats a really good question.  What age do they take over more of their education? 

    Sonya Shafer

    Charlotte started that transition when the children were about 9 or 10 years old. For children ages 6-8, the teachers read everything aloud.


    Oh, my!  That seems so young.  I know a lot of maturing will happen between now and then.  Would you have your 10 year old do some of the reading to younger siblings, then?  I would still like them to work on the same time period since they are only two grades apart.


    So Sonya, I guess that when we start module 2 in January I should assign the 4-6th grade books to my 9yr old and read the others aloud to both children???? Or assign books that I find in addition to the module books? I had only purchased the books for grades 1-3. I am not sure how to let one go on their own when they are so close in age, but far apart in reading skills. What do you suggest?



    Sonya Shafer

    Keep in mind that this should be a gradual transition and it should depend on the reading fluency of the child. Age 9 or 10 is not the magic number for all books and all children. Smile

    (Oh, as an aside: I must share that my youngest actually started reading this month! Soooooo exciting! She has autism and other developmental delays and is 11yo, btw. Yippee! But I digress . . . back to the question.)

    I would read the Grades 1-3 books aloud to both children, yes. Then take a look at a couple of the books recommended for the 4-6 grades and see if any of them look like something that your 9yo would be able to enjoy reading on his own. If not, wait a few months and look again to see if he has progressed far enough to try one as an independent assignment. 

    If you think he is ready for an independent book assignment, but you want to make the transition gradually, you might try reading aloud his assignment with him on one day then having him read independently (and narrate to you) on the next day. Or some other option like that. You know your 9yo best, so do what will keep that love of learning alive. 

    Does that help?


    Yes, it does help 🙂 Thank you so much!

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