Curriculum Expenses

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  • Brandon

    What is the estimate cost of a year’s curriculum?


    This varies greatly and will depend on number of kids, grades, whether you are comfortably using your library or want to purchase everything, whether your kids are close enough in age to share resources, and many other factors I am missing right now. I can share my personal “budget” for a year. My kids are 7, 10, and 13. The cost has gone up a bit with a junior higher since I am adding more science and writing. In the lower grades I find the library just fine for science topics.

    Last year, with a somewhat pricey boxed curriculum for all three kids it was about $1500

    This year I am planning to go with the SCM history resources and utilize the library even more than I already do. With all three kids I expect to spend $600

    That will include


    science (2 levels)


    language arts

    formal grammar for 13 yo


    I use the library for composer, artist, poetry and any other enrichment type subjects, and as many history and literature selections as possible.

    You can certainly spend less. If your kids are small a Bible, math and the library are all you need. Maybe a reading program if you need to teach reading.

    Sorry I am probably not much help. It can vary so widely.






    Are you asking about the cost of Simply Charlotte Mason’s curriculum specifically? Or are you asking how much the average mom spends on homeschool resources for each child in general?

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