Current Events for 8-11yo: News-O-Matic on iPad?

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  • I came across this iPad app called News-O-Matic and was thinking maybe this (or something else) might be a decent option for some current events for the 8-11yo range. Has anyone used  it? Or do you have other suggestions?

    Note: I got a message about it that it’s on sale for $4.99 for this weekend. Looks like you can download the app for free but then there are in-app purchases for the actual subscription, so I think that’s what is on sale.


    We use and God’s World News. Now that dd is 13, she reads those and other news, too. This year she is keeping a calendar of events in iCal as suggested at Wildflowers and Marbles blog. I’m sorry, I’m unfamiliar with that app.


    Do you have the link to the post at Wildflowers and Marbles where she talks about this? I’d love to read through that to understand what she suggests. Thanks!



    Thanks, Christie — I like the look of that Student News Daily and some of the features of media bias. I will definitely be using that down the road.

    I did go ahead and get the $5 subscription to the app I referenced above. After looking at the issues from the past week, I like the interface for the elementary kids, the length of the articles, the geography component. Even my 5yo will like it. I don’t know if the yearly subscription is really normally $20, but for $5 it will be worth it. The “issues” come out daily M-F, plus a weekend edition. 

    I think I will have my kids use the app for now, and then we will wade into the deeper waters and use some of the features on SND for select news stories.


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