I’ve been teaching my girls (8 and 10) how to crochet for a couple of years now. I found some cute, useful gifts that they can make with a bit of help, and thought I’d share the link. http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/lffunt/bathset.htm
I think grandparents will like them in baskets with homemade soaps and such. 🙂
THANK YOU! That’s wonderful…I LOVE this! These are the types of things I like my girls to do for Christmas. It goes with the home-made bath salts that Lorrie Flem sent out in her TEACH Magazine e-letter. I think it’s ok to share that isn’t it? Great magazine, BTW…probably my favorite. Her focus is encouraging us mom’s. I’m always inspired and refreshed when they arrive in the mail.
Question though…how did you teach them to crochet when they were 6 & 8? Mine have been wanting to learn, but it’s been very, VERY hard for her (DD7). Is there an easier way I can show her or just continue to wait for her coordination to develop a little more.
I started them both off by just crocheting chains with their fingers, then moved to big chunky hooks, then smaller hooks. From 6 to 7.5 or so they both made lots and lots of things with chains. They even took the chains and spiraled and sewed them to make pot holders and such, and everyone in the family (including pets!) got chain necklaces. 🙂 Then the oldest moved on to single crochet, and is now starting to learn double crochet. Once I get her going, she is fine, still isn’t confident around turns. Youngest has been doing some single crochet (most of what is included with those bath patterns)and will do ok with me right there. 🙂
That is so neat! Thank you for sharing! I also wanted to mention in regards to teaching DD(age 7) how to crochet, a good preliminary step sometimes is to teach knitting first! =) Just a thought!! Happy gift making!!
Okay, I’m so glad that others are dealing with the same thing I am. I just started to learn to knit because my dd7 has been begging me for months to learn. I have a good friend who knows how to do it, and I have now made my very own scarf. My problem is that I really don’t know where to start with her. Is it easier to teach knitting or crocheting first? My friend said that her daughter started at 6, but I have no idea where to start. I feel like I don’t have the expertise to start teaching her yet, but she keeps asking me to teach her. I’m afraid if I keep putting it off, she will lose interest. Any ideas or words of advice?
No advice about knitting here. But I’m looking forward to others advice! I did learn to crochet at 6, from my babysitter. I would pull apart crocheted pieces to see how they were done and try to copy them. I remember giving a friend of my mom a baby afgan that I made for a baby shower present, and everyone there bawling because I was so young (I think I was 7 at the time). All this to say, I PANIC with knitting needles in my hand. My girls too want to learn to knit, and I keep putting them off because I don’t know where to start. A friend gave me this link to get me started:
I wish I knew how to knit…I’ve been trying lately. I just got a book, but I’m struggling. I, too, have been crocheting from a very young age, but knitting has been tough for me to grasp…go figure. I guess I’ll get brave with my girls and get some of those chunky needles. We’ve just had such a hard time with those kinds of coordination things. At 5 & 7 they can barely tie their shoes…still takes a v-e-r-y long time. I refuse to get velcro cause they really need to learn this. Maybe crocheting will help develop those skills for them. And finger crocheting? I’ll have to give this all a try, sounds like it may be just what they need.
Have you heard of the Knifty Knitter? I bought that for my girls for Christmas to get them started at knitting, and to help peak their interest, then I hope to move on to real knitting needles after a time!
My girls do crocheted chains, they are aged 6 and 8.
Rebecca ~Mom to 8 under 10!
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