THANK YOU! That’s wonderful…I LOVE this! These are the types of things I like my girls to do for Christmas. It goes with the home-made bath salts that Lorrie Flem sent out in her TEACH Magazine e-letter. I think it’s ok to share that isn’t it? Great magazine, BTW…probably my favorite. Her focus is encouraging us mom’s. I’m always inspired and refreshed when they arrive in the mail.
Bath salt link:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=20&cntnt01returnid=56
Question though…how did you teach them to crochet when they were 6 & 8? Mine have been wanting to learn, but it’s been very, VERY hard for her (DD7). Is there an easier way I can show her or just continue to wait for her coordination to develop a little more.