Creative writing in 1st grade

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  • mama_nickles

    DS has been doing copywork for a few months now. I have started the past month or so having him write out 2 sentences about a topic. Sort of a mini creative writing assignment. He does use invented spelling. I have him illustrate too (as he really enjoys it). Is it non-CM to have him doing invented spelling? We do discuss afterwards about where he made errors and I have him fix them. Where in the CM process are kids doing creative writing? Not until they are older? He does enjoy dictating stories to me and then illustrating them as well.


    Creative writing is not required early on with CM – it would fit in once they are doing written dictations.  However, if a child likes to do creative writing on their own, that is fine.

    I don’t think CM would appreciate invented spelling – but at the same time for a young student (who wouldn’t technically even be doing spelling yet) I wouldn’t want to kill their enjoyment of writing by dealing with the spelling – so I’m not sure what I’d suggest with that.



    Invented spelling is where they try to sound it out and spell it the best they can. For example, yesterday he wrote paper as “paeper” which is really more how it sounds!

    I love that your DS has a pen pal. Once a week my DS makes mail for someone: family member, missionary, etc. He really enjoys it! I will spell a word for him if he asks. Should I always spell it for him? Is it good to let him try to spell it on his own? Then correct it when he’s done? Back mid-last year he was having trouble with identifying the sounds in pronounced words (orally). He could read it easily written, but couldn’t go the other way to figure out what sounds go into it. He has made a lot of progress with it the past few months.


    Potpourri-The link wouldn’t work. 🙁


    wow! I’m impressed with how neat his handwriting is for 5.5 year old.


    That’s cute! I love his question mark. Not sure my DS has used one of those yet. That makes sense about spelling it for him if he asks.


    I agree with what someone else said that I wouldn’t require creative writing at this age but if he is volunteering for it, go for it. As far as spelling or other errors, I would pick out a couple to gently correct but if there are a lot I wouldn’t point them all out. I believe a CM approach to dictation is to focus on one thing, it might be spellIng or certain punctuation rules but not to necessarily deal with everything at once.


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