Creative project for the plagues in Egypt.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Creative project for the plagues in Egypt.

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  • susie in ms

    We are coming upon the Bible/history of the plagues and my dd eats this stuff up! Last time we did this I had her do a poster with a block for each plague. In it I had her draw each plague and then paste strips from the back of the guide that shows the gods discredited and the scriptures. She loved this! Well, I was hoping to have some sort of craft project, but my mind is coming up blank. Does anyone have any ideas?


    I can’t wait till we get back to the Tabernacle and finish the project we started so long ago.

    I don’t know if this would help because it’s not a craft, but once I put up paper around the door frame, then brushed red paint as though we were “marking” the door, and we made unleveaned bread and talked about the final plaque upon Egypt and the Passover. My college kids still remember that and they were maybe 6-8 when we did it.

    susie in ms

    That sounds like a wonderful idea! I will keep that in mind when we get to the last plague. Thanks!

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