Creating a resume for student working after grad

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  • ErinD

    Has anyone’s kid gone straight into the work force after graduating? I need a little help with creating a resume for a student in this situation. My son (graduating next year) wants to get a job at an electrical company and apprentice his way to being an electrician. However, since he will have just graduated and doesn’t have much work experience, I’m not sure what he can put on his resume. Also, because I’ve been out of the work force for 17 years, and DH is self-employed, we don’t know a whole pile about resumes either.

    First of all, what are the standard things to put on a resume? It seems there are many different types. Other than education and work experience, what else would you put on it? (Aside from personal contact info.)

    Second, the only thing to put under education is that he graduated from our homeschool. Does he have to put that it was a homeschool? I was hoping to leave that part out to avoid preconceived notions of homeschoolers that people might have. Should I make up a name for our school? Or should he just say “graduated in May 2020”?

    His only work experience has been that he’s been hired by neighbours to do custom farm work and farm-related projects (field work, helping wire a shop, replacing a bin floor). I imagine we can just list all of that in some way.

    Any advice is appreciated!

    Paula Spicer

    A lot include a cover letter now a days.  You could just google how to write a good cover letter.  It’s been a while for me as well 😉 But I think it just describes you and the position that you are applying for in an essay type style.

    I would just name your homeschool and if the employer asks then tell him.  We have nothing to hide! I’m always amazed at how many of us are educating our own kids.  Numbers keep going up.  And I will say this, people look at my kids differently than others, not in a bad way. But it’s like they expect them to be more grown up and dependable.  So employers may actually like that he was homeschooled.

    And I would definitely use the neighbors that he has worked for as references.  Usually you list 3-6, depending on how many the employer requests.  He could also list any volunteering he has done, and if he has taken any tech classes for electrician, put those as well under his education.

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