creating a report with notes

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  • Rebekahy

    Just finally got going with the organizer today. I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong. When I go to the daily report detailed and click on the link to show notes, I get my notes for the day on the screen, but I’m not seeing my notes for a particular resource that we worked on. Does the resource have to be completed for the notes to show?




    Nevermind – now that I’m using firefox it seems to be working fine.


    I take it back – it doesn’t work when an assignment hasn’t been completed. I’d like to add that to the wish list – for the notes to show even if you haven’t completed a task.


    Sonya Shafer

    Currently, a Note shows up only when an assignment is Finished. That eliminates the potential for multiple copies of the note showing up every day you Worked On an assignment.

    I’ll add your comments to our list and we’ll see if we can find a way to make it happen without the potential for multiples. Thanks!

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