I’ve been reading. A lot. And day dreaming about how I wish our homeschool would go everyday. Now I know no 2 families will look alike. But I have a question. How do you create a learning atmosphere in your home. And how do you get your kids self motivated to learn? All my kids( 12,8 ) do is play. After all these months they are only on lesson 30 in the guides. Every second I turn around to do with the little ones (3,8mts) they are off task n playing again. They complain school takes too long but they never stay on task or do anything right then or give focused attention for 5 minutes. I am exhausted mentally from begging and asking then why it’s this way. I don’t know what to do to change it. I know I am missing the whole point. I just can’t figure out how to make a learning atmosphere in our home and how to get them to want to do something and then actually do it. I can’t watch all 4 babies. Eventually they have to grow up and do something when asked to sit down and do it. I’m even in the same room as them but not standing over them and they won’t do it. Unless I stand over them. Any ideas? Any advice? I am so lost and just ready to give up. We were doing co-ops 3days a week and therapy 3 days a week and a play group 1 day a week. And then church 2 times a week and its just soo much I can’t handle everything anymore. Thank you for any advice and help!
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